
Tag: Health 2.0 Live

Health 2.0 Spring Fling–preview interviews

At Health 2.0 we are getting very excited for the Spring Fling this March 20-21, and in preparation, we’re doing a series of interviews with some of the speakers and panelists. Below is a list of all the interviews we’re already done, and stay tuned for two more coming this week.

Check them out and catch our Spring Fling fever!

  • Rushika Fernandopulle talked with us about the challenges and rewards in creating his new healthcare delivery model, Iora Health. Listen here.
  • Preston Maring, founder of the Kaiser Permanente Farmer’s Market, talked about the evolution of the KP farmer’s market. Listen here.
  • Brian Witlin of ShopWell gave us the details on his mobile application that allows users to scan products and see how well they fit into the user’s health and wellness goals. Listen here.
  • Amy Romano of Childbirth Connection told us what she hopes to see come from the intersection of health IT and maternity care. Listen here.
  • Eric Zimmerman of RedBrick Health gave us a peek into the new social engagement platform they’ve created for the Alliance for a Healthier Minnesota. Listen here.
  • Hemi Weingarten, founder of the Fooducate app, told us how a simple barcode scan can inform and educate consumers in the grocery store. Listen here.

Want to hear more? Come see all of these speakers and more at the Health 2.0 Spring Fling this March 21-22, 2011. Sign up here!

Health 2.0 Europe: Deep Dive by Pfizer

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At the Health 2.0 Europe Conference, April 6-7, 2010, in Paris, France, Vincent Varlet, the Communication & eBusiness Director of Pfizer, France, gave a deep dive presentation. He talked about the e-initiatives for mobiles for both patients and doctors and the different services that Pfizer provides.

Health 2.0 Europe: Seach and Content

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At the Health 2.0 Europe Conference, April 6-7, 2010, in Paris France, a number of panelists gave live demonstrations in regards to search and content. They discussed the question of how to make content on the internet useful and personalized for patients and consumers. The panelists showed different ways for finding information, finding the right information, and finding good quality information. On the panel were Segolène Ayme from Orphanet, Frankie Dolan from MedWorm, Célia Boyer from Health On the Net Foundation, West Shell from Healthline Networks, Steven Krein from Organized Wisdom, and Berci Mesko from Webicina.

Fun in San Diego next week: mHealth & Healthcamp

Next week there’s post-Labor day health care fun in San Diego.  and Healthcamp San Diego is the day before (Sept 6). Both are run by good health care friends—Peter Waegemann and Claudia Tessier (who used to run TEPR) now run the mHealth conference, and Gregg Masters is running Healthcamp.

There do seem to be rather a lot of mHealth conferences this year—I won’t start talking here about my disdain for the term—but this is the one in the nicest place and is probably the best value for money! And the keynote is another friend and very interesting techie doctor, S. Cal Permanente Group’s CMIO John Mattison.

Check out the conference program for details and online registration to the mHealth Conference.

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