
Above the Fold

THCB: Wussies–Tough? Try not drinking for a month

Apparently it’s to difficult to give up drinking for a month.  As many of my friends will tell you I drink my fair share of alcohol, but I’ve managed it quite a few times. The LA Times reports how difficult it was for a group of fit people to give it up for a month

For moderate social drinkers, hopping on the wagon for a month shouldn’t have been that daunting of a task. Not just any moderate social drinkers, but a handful of men and women who are exceptionally fit, as in training-for-a-marathon fit. These are people used to discipline and healthy lifestyles, people who can get through a rigorous boot camp class without hurling. Yet some found that wagon trip much more uncomfortable than they thought, and didn’t even last a month. Some didn’t even make it a week.

Well they must have been a particularly weak-willed bunch. This year for two separate months (March and October) I’ve given up drinking and meat, and sugar and carbs) in order to lose weight. Of the four food groups I quit — yes I basically ate fish and vegetables — sugar is by far the hardest to give up.  Thank god for Splenda. Booze is easy to do for a month, and I’m always happy to fall off the wagon at the end of it. Whether the odd month every few years is going to help my well-exercised liver in the long run, I doubt.

TECH: Can doctors ever learn to love the EMR?

This was my editorial at FierceHealthcare on Friday

This week I heard a very bitter physician complaining that using an electronic
medical record got between him and caring for his patients, and imposed
secretarial tasks on him. Then on Tuesday we got perhaps the most negative news
yet about a problematic CPOE installation at Childrens’ Hospital in Pittsburgh,
where after its introduction patient mortality increased. There was also news
about an emergency department in Arizona pulling the plug on its EMR.

Whatever the real reasons behind the data, it’s clear that simply installing
an EMR or CPOE system did not have the desired impact on patient safety. My
cursory assessment is that electronic records are vital in improving the
healthcare delivered to patients, particularly those with chronic illnesses,
over the continuum of care. But it’s clear that when they’re introduced to ICUs
or ED, where speed is the key and care processes are not well defined, things
may not be so successful. A real examination of the process absent the
technology, and a massive commitment from vendors to improve the human-computer
interface, is quickly needed before the movement toward CPOE and EMR is stopped
by these kinds of stories. After all, it’s easy for a hospitals or physician
groups to decide instead to do nothing.

Well, some people were reading. Kelly Clark a physician from Boston, recently relocated to
Louisville, wasn’t too impressed. She wrote to me:

Any time you want to hear a physician complain about using
CPOE/EMR, simply ask any clinician who makes their living actually treating
patients and billing insurance for their services. “Speed is key
and care processes are not well defined” as the default condition for the
current practice of medicine – it is in no way limited to the ICUs and ERs. 
A large amount of information on digital access is useful to care
coordinators who are salaried to manage a fairly small caseload of patients with
chronic conditions. The time constraints placed by the market on
the physician-patient encounter do not allow for the thoughtful assessment of
large quantities of historical data by a practicing physician. Physicians are happy with their CPOE/EMR system in the salaried and
subsidized world of the VA. Outside of that arena, the
administration and the 1-3 physician champions of EMR in each health care system
will be the primary sources of effusive positive regard for EMRs, but those of
us in the trenches are typically not quoted and not happy. Having
been forced to use these CPOE/EMR systems and seeing them severely limit the
efficiency and safety of medical care, as well as increasing error rates, I am
among the practicing physicians who can wax eloquent about their problems.

You are correct in the need for aggressive assessment of
the way medicine is practiced and huge investment in improving human-computer
interface systems in order for the EMRs to work well and realize any savings of
dollars or lives. However, I believe you are incorrect in
predicting that the stories you quote may result in stopping the movement toward
EMRs because it is “easier for hospitals and physician groups to do
nothing”. This is not true. The move toward EMRs is
not being led by physicians or hospitals, so our input is amazingly
irrelevant. The movement is largely based on a fallacy that
improved technology will lead to decreased cost, with a side bar of improved
quality of health care. It is led by business interests and
followed by the government – ie, the payors. Improved technology will be a huge
boon for consulting firms, administrators, and other types of technician and
advisors. It will absolutely not decrease costs. Only improved rationing of health care resources will do that. However, since no one wants to deal with the true issue, our current
resources have been diverted to The Holy Grail of Techno-Salvation. The interests behind this are well-entrenched and will not be stopped by
a few facts that contradict their ideology. This is evident with
the push to P4P, when there are almost no “performance” scales that are relevant
to medical care for real patients with real co-morbid
medical/social/psychological issues that impact their health and health
It is not easier for hospitals to do nothing, because
Medicare continues to be a main player on their field, and the push toward
electronics by Medicare cannot be ignored by hospitals. As
economies of scale push toward large Kaiser-like systems and physicians move to
stable jobs being employed by large entities, EMRs will make more sense. In the meantime, the move toward these large systems of care, including
the fits and starts of competing EMRs, will lead to more wasted health care
dollars and worse medical care, as well as complaints by bitter physicians who
are being devolved from being professionals toward being marginalized purveyors
of a technical commodity.

I actually agree with much of what Kelly says especially about the lack of conversation about rationaing, although I’m not so sure that payors are leading the way towards EMRs, or that anyone is. I suspect that underlying the lack of appreciation of the EMR is the realization that it in fact only really makes sense for bigger organizations. What Kelly may be underestimating is the ability of the AMA and others to delay the imposition of IT, such as the rejection of the mandating of electronic prescribing in the House-Senate conference of Medicare Part D. But this debate and this process is by no means settled.

BLOGS/POLICY: And over at Spot-on, c’est moi

I have found myself another gig amongst a great group of political writers led by the intrepid Chris Nolan. Chris is a leading Silicon Valley journo and a policy wonk, and she has surrounded herself with a group of op-ed type writers whose politics are absolutely across the map, but whose writing is entertaining and incisive. She calls it “standalone journalism” and I’m happy to be along for the ride. The intention is that I do a weekly piece over there which will be a bit longer and more political than the health care wonkery you tend to see here. I hope you’ll all go over and take a look, not just at my pieces but at all of them.

The site is called Spot-on, and my first piece is called Adventures in a Health Care Nation.

PHARMA: Looks like more good news for the Vioxx plaintiff bar!

So according to the NEJM there were serious errors in the original Vioxx study–that is errors of omission.

The New England Journal of Medicine publicly alleged Thursday at least two of the authors of a major Canadian-led study on the former blockbuster drug Vioxx withheld data on adverse events from the journal.

So as the NEJM now says the Merck team hid an additional three heart attacks from the data in the VIGOR study as the deaths occurred after a cut-off date. If they’d included them the risk of having an MI was 500% higher not 425% higher with Vioxx compared to an NSAID.

On the other hand why didn’t the researchers just move the cut-off dates for deaths in Vioxx patients in study back to before they started on the drug. That would have produced much better data!

TECH/HOSPITALS: Mr HISTalk says “Does Cerner Millennium kill children? I don’t think so.”

MrHISTalk, who’s blog is fantastic, out-does himself in an article about the University of Pittsburgh Children’s hospital CPOE implementation, which has had so much publicity since the article was released on Monday.

His article is called, Does Cerner Millennium kill children? I don’t think so. It’s not betraying his anonymity to tell you that MrHISTalk is a hospital IT director with a great deal of experience in pharmacy. He’s an expert, so go read it.

I have little to add other than three quick thoughts:

1) The before and after study may have studied a period too early in the CPOE implementation. It takes time to get the new processes down, and things may have got better later. But not in the timeframe of this study, apparently.

2) Last weekend I heard a doctor complaining bitterly about having to use an EMR in the outpatient setting, claiming that it imposed secretarial tasks on him, and interfered with his relationships with his patients. I’d counter by saying that in ambulatory care the recording of what happens in the exam room and the presentation of information from there and other venues (labs, medication) etc matters more to the care of the patient than the information that the doctor actually imparts there, 90% of which the patient forgets about when they walk out the door — something physicians don’t on the whole realize. In the ICU, what happens in the room is often a matter of life and death, so the interference that the recording of the information puts in the way of the process may have a bigger impact.

3) IT implementations are not easy. Paper does kill. Of course it’s not just paper that kills, it’s poor processes with or without IT. But the option of ignoring IT is not an option.  The industry needs to do much more work about getting this right.

TECH: What’s wrong with health care IT

This story about the wonderful new personal health record available to the patients who frequent the  BJC system in in St.Louis explains about 90% of what’s wrong with American health care IT.

Peterson said was developed internally, because BJC did not find all the features it wanted in any existing programs. He said three servers were purchased just for the project, and three staff members worked full time on it for 16 months.

Here’s a list of 45-odd personal health record products, and it doesn’t include some very well built products that didn’t survive the crash but are still perfectly decent software and could be bought for a song. Do they really mean that not one of them met the august standards of BJC? Or is it just possible that the "not-invented-here" syndrome is the reason why BJC is just getting its PHR out now when it could have bought one from a bankrupt (or even active) software company and shoved it out in 2001, and been four years ahead of itself. But who’d want to produce something good for the clients back then when they can wait patiently and have the perfect masterwork you produce yourself instead!

CODA: If you want to buy a great PHR product for a song, I can only remind you that it’s but an email away!

POLICY/HEALTH PLANS: The perils of the individual health insurance market…revisited

So last week arrived with bad news. For the last year and a half I have bought my health insurance from Blue Shield of California via a group called PacAdvantage. PacAdvantage is an employer-buying coalition that had its origins back in the mid-1990s as the Cal HIPC—a forerunner of the never-were regional health alliances. Still if you are an employee of a company between 2 and 50 employees you can buy from a choice of somewhat overpriced health insurance plans from PacAdvantage.  The cost is about double what it would be buying in the individual market if you are “healthy”, but about half what it would be if you’re medically underwritten against….all for the same high-deductible plan of course.

How can I as a solo operator buy into this? Well I’m a member of an association called the SF Media Alliance which as one of its side benefits allows you to buy in.  Well those of you who’ve been following at home know where this is going. All the people who buy in are of course those who can’t get it in the individual market at the “healthy” rate, so the Media Alliance as a whole is likely to be a bad “client” for PacAdvantage. So PacAdvantage is kicking Media Alliance out (I suspect there’s a lot of legal jumbo I don’t know about going on behind the scenes). But the basic reason is that there’s bound to be a lot of sicker than average people buying from Media Alliance even though I have filed zero claims in the past 18 months, nada.

So I started looking around to see what I could replace it with. One option is to pay into my domestic partner’s plan (and I may well end up doing that) but I’d rather just buy a cheaper high deductible plan like the one I have, as I don’t intend to use much care in the next year and will have a stack of cash in my HSA ready to cover any expenses if I do need it. (This is not an endorsement of a certain THCB commentators ideas, it’s just me responding to the atrocious incentives in the system).

So over the coming weeks I’ll document my experience here, remembering that yesterday AHIP was boasting about how wonderfully its members were making the whole process for the blighted consumer

I start with my first visit to the eHealthinsurance Blogshotsite.  You may note that they seem to have bought out all my Google Adwords (at least they own the whole box at time of writing). They of course are a broker not an insurer themselves, but as they are the leader in the online insurance broking space I assume that they’ve spent a little time talking with the insurers for which they act as a channel about how to “delight the customer”. (Snicker, snicker)

Continue reading…

OFF-TOPIC: In my dreams…


So I’m reading a loony conservative psychologist’s blog and I see this link about a Florida teacher having sex with a 14 yr old. Being a standard British pervert I click over. If you’re not a pervert like me you can ignore it (but I know 90% will click over). And holy mackrel! I know she’s nuts, stupid and what she did was wrong, blah, blah, blah. But if I was 14 (or for that matter any age) and something that attractive ever offered me the option, well I wouldn’t want her to be sent to jail—that’s for sure!

OK, the rest of you can all go back to reality now.

INTERNATIONAL/QUALITY: U.S., Canada heart-failure mortality compared

This one’s from last week, but well worth a quick look. A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine compared heart-failure mortality in the U.S. and Canada

Two findings emerged from a recent Archives of Internal Medicine report on heart-failure mortality rates. One affirms the notion that the U.S. is a leader in acute care, but the other finding offers evidence that there’s room for improvement in the management of chronic conditions.The report, which was released Nov. 28, compared 30-day and one-year mortality rates of American and Canadian heart-failure patients measured between 1998 and 2001. The findings: after risk standardization, the 28,521 U.S. Medicare beneficiaries studied had a lower 30-day mortality rate than the 8,180 similarly aged patients at hospitals in Ontario, Canada (8.9% vs. 10.7%), but one-year adjusted mortality rates were essentially the same (32.2% in the U.S. vs. 32.3% in Canada).

So in other words we spend a lot more here and there some short-term benefits, but soon enough the differences disappear (but of course the money is still gone!).  I was struck by this particularly because Vic Fuchs did a study back in the 1980s at Stanford hospital comparing the outcomes of patients admitted to the same hospital by the faculty versus community doctors. Compared to the community doctors the faculty doctors supplied more services and spend more money on patients with similar acuity (i.e. similarly sick patients). And in the short term their patients had better  results, but after several months outcomes were the same. When Fuchs talked to them with the results, both sets of physicians thought that their type of care (i.e. more intensive versus less intensive) was better for the patients.

The health economists, though, amongst us tend to believe that there’s precious little point paying a lot more money to keep very sick people alive slightly longer, when within a year they’re going to be as dead as the rest of them. And that appears to be the way it works in Canada too. Anyone really surprised?  Of course with the Dartmouth data we also know that the same variation is exactly the case between different parts of the US.