
Tag: World Health Care Congress

To Promote Health Care Excellence, Let’s Recognize Approaches That Assure Value

A challenge for health care purchasers is choosing vendors whose performance matches their cost and outcomes claims. A 2015 Mercer survey found that only 41 percent of worksite clinic sponsors think that they’re saving money. As Al Lewis and Tom Emerick have detailed, many wellness and disease management companies simply overstate their results. In many cases employers may not realize that they, not the vendor, take the risk for results.

One important answer is the Care Innovations Validation Institute, founded by Intel, that offers health care vendors and purchasers objective validation of vendors’ claims.  The Institute stands behind its work with a money-back guarantee. In the Wild West of the health care marketplace, the Validation Institute is an invaluable resource for purchasers, allowing them to confidently proceed with vendors, knowing that their promises have been vetted by scientists.

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Connecting the Dots

Data is only data until it is structured.  Then it becomes powerful, relevant and insightful.

That was a key message from Ursula Burns, Xerox chairman and chief executive officer, on the first day of the World Health Care Congress in Washington, D.C. In opening the event with a fireside chat with Dr. Nancy Snyderman, chief medical editor for NBC News, Ursula talked about Xerox’s vision to improve health care including empowerment– ensuring that patients have a stake in their health, and realizing the true value of data. As Ursula said, “It’s not the data itself, but it’s recognizing actionable data.”

Here’s another way to think of it: Xerox provides the “smarts” around each aspect of health care such as:

·Easier access to data through solutions, such as advanced document recognition, intelligent data entry and fraud detection;

·Turning information into insights through real-time clinical decision, patient behavior modeling, population management, and Meaningful Use reporting; and

·Putting insights into action, for example, through a health information exchange – connecting electronic medical records (EMRs) to give caregivers information, analytics and decision support tools that help improve patient care.

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World Health Care Congress 2012 Live: Markus Fromherz, Xerox

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This three-part interview from World Health Care Congress with Markus Fromherz, chief innovation officer of Xerox Healthcare, covers some of the most exciting healthcare research and development going on at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center. Part one includes Markus’ thoughts on moving paper data to digital and describes the process in three layers – gaining access, drawing insight and taking action from what was learned.

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Introducing A World (And Healthcare) Made Simpler…by Xerox

Frequent readers of The Health Care Blog have probably noticed Xerox’s name around more and more often – we partner with THCB to provide content and cover events. Was it unexpected at first? Are you beginning to understand why Xerox is represented in an outlet where conversations are dedicated to discussing healthcare hot topics?

We hope so. This week, our CEO, Ursula Burns spoke at the World Health Care Congress, and I’m sure that some of the attendees were scratching their heads about that as well. To be clear for anyone still wondering, healthcare is a primary area of focus for Xerox. Today, Xerox touches the lives of nearly one in every three insured individuals in the U.S. as the largest provider to manage all documents and business process needs within healthcare organizations.

One of our priorities is to simplifying how work gets done for healthcare professionals now and in the future. We invest more that $50 million annually in healthcare R&D, allowing scientists at our company’s research centers around the world to advance healthcare innovation. At WHCC Burns showed a video that features two of the most interesting research projects we’re working on:

·Medication management: our researchers are developing “smart” medication packaging that will allow pharmacies to help patients manage their daily prescription regimen more easily. The system uses innovations in personalization, data collection and packaging to organize medication, provide individualized instruction and then track whether a patient adheres to the doctor’s orders.

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