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This three-part interview from World Health Care Congress with Markus Fromherz, chief innovation officer of Xerox Healthcare, covers some of the most exciting healthcare research and development going on at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center. Part one includes Markus’ thoughts on moving paper data to digital and describes the process in three layers – gaining access, drawing insight and taking action from what was learned.
Click for Part II of the interview.
In part two of this three-part interview from World Health Care Congress by The Health Care Blog, Markus Fromherz, chief innovation officer of Xerox Healthcare, discusses how Xerox’s Digital Nurse Assistant – currently in the piloting phase – helps nurses automate their workflow related to coordinating patient care. Markus also describes how other Xerox healthcare solutions are using natural language processing technology and predictive analytics.
Click here for Part III.
In the final part of this three-part interview from World Health Care Congress with Markus Fromherz, chief innovation officer of Xerox Healthcare, discuses Xerox’s latest research around improving long-term care for the elderly, the disabled, and people with chronic diseases.
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