
Tag: Uncategorized

Glen Tullman on EMRs, life, the universe and everything

A couple of weeks back Allscripts’ CEO Glen Tullman was on the Cats & Dogs panel at Health 2.0 and he said some pretty controversial things about the state of EMR adoption (yes it was happening), certification of meaningful use (it was being diluted and the tax payer faced being ripped off) and other vendors, or at least one other vendor from small town Wisconsin that wasn’t playing fair in the quest for interoperability).

Given that I always enjoy talking to Glen and also that he’s as responsible as anyone else for getting Obama interested in the concept of why EMRs and automating health care matters (and therefore why there was so much money in both Obama’s campaign pledges and in the stimulus package for EMRs), I thought it would be fun to have Glen back on THCB to expand a little on what he told us at Health 2.0. And yes there was plenty more interesting stuff where that came from. (Be warned, the sound quality is not great, but its completely understandable)

Here’s the interview

European Union Anti smoking Campaign

Note: While the ” ” campaign is a public service announcement, THCB is receiving a relatively modest payment from the European Union to help cover the costs of operating the site. If you are a non-profit, government agency or international organization seeking to reach a monthly audience of 100,000 unique visitors we may be able to help . Please contact Editor In Chief John Irvine for more information. You can reach John at

Aneesh Chopra, Federal CTO, talks Health 2.0

Aneesh Chopra is the new and first CTO of the Federal Government, and he’s also going to be the keynote speaker for the Health 2.0 Conference (Oct 6-7,register here!). I caught up with him for a quick interview yesterday where he discussed his role, Health 2.0 and the new site. Off camera we had a great chat and Aneesh both forced me to give a brain dump on exciting companies in Health 2.0 and showed that he knows plenty about the space and has really big ambitions. I can’t say more yet, but let’s say he’s very interested in using new sources of data to improve decisions. I think that it’s great that someone so committed to making technology work for people (and not vice versa) is in such a strong position to influence Federal policy. Here’s the interview

Health 2.0 Conference (Oct 6-7) latest

We’re getting into the short strokes for Health 2.0. The conference is going to be in a new bigger venue (SF Concourse) with more, bigger screens and no one sitting more than 65 feet from a screen. We’ll see demos of the latest and most innovative products in Health 2.0. We have Aneesh Chopra, the CTO of the Federal Government kicking things off on Tuesday Oct 6, and Glen Tullman, CEO of Allscripts, Jonathan Bush, CEO of AthenaHealth and David Kibbe, leader of the emerging clinical groupware movement, finishing the whole thing up on Weds Oct 7. So fireworks at the start, at the end, and, yes, in the middle too.

Over 100 presenters and speakers, dozens of new product launches, the latest from Microsoft, Google, WebMD and many, many more big names, and a whole new analysis of the Health 2.0 environment from the Health 2.0 team. A special session on Health 2.0 tools for physicians. A tools panel that will show the new Health 2.0 interoperability and a host of other unplatforms. And much much more

If you care about health care and/or consumers and/or technology, you need to be there.

Here’s the agenda, here’s where to register, and our rooms in the Westin hotel block (only $199 including free wifi!) expires this Monday. So if you’ve been dithering, act now!



Nuts + Bolts – Advance Directives 101 – Do Not Call 911

This is the first in a series of posts on the nuts + bolts problems we face in health care. As I stated
in my post initiating this effort, my goal is to sidestep the current health care reform maelstrom and discuss specific issues that in themselves
pose a discrete problem to us relative to health care quality, cost,
or outcomes.  Although policy reform is needed to solve any number
of the nuts + bolts problems we face in health care, many of these problems
require only changes in our behavior. From my perspective, if we are
going to even start to move this mountain we are going to have to foster
change from within the system. That change is going to have to come
from all of us as a society and as patients, families, health care providers,
health care organizations, and influential health care managers and
executives.  It’s not just about policy. It’s not about the
government ‘against’ the private sector. It’s about each of us
taking our own personal and social responsibility to do the right thing.

The problem in the current political climate with the health care policy debate is that the real issues all
too often get subverted. The travesty that momentarily turned end of
life issues, quality of life, and palliative care, into ‘death panels’
is Exhibit A. It has been well characterized on The Health Care Blog by
Bob Wachter with references to excellent articles in The New York Times and Joe Klein’s piece in Time.

Like so many issues in health care reform the hysteria that ‘government’ was posed to step in
and dictate our options as to how we would die and what final options
we might have is sadly misplaced.  Reality holds its own sadness
because too few of us get to die the death we would choose and when
we do choose our death it’s the current health care system and our
trusted friends and family who inadvertently subvert our best intentions.

Continue reading…

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