
Tag: Startups

A.D.A.M., Inc Launches New iPhone Application, Medzio

This past week at the Health 2.0 conference, A.D.A.M., Inc demoed their recently launched iphone application Medzio, which connects users with a network of healthcare services and free expert health advice. It's a very cool application and an exciting new
tool. Click the link below to be taken directly to Apple itunes Store, where you can check out the application for yourself.


Mayo & Microsoft–a big name collaboration, with even more potential to come

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Mayo Clinic and Microsoft are today launching a combined product called the Mayo Clinic Health Manager (and they’ll be showing it Thursday 23rd at the Health 2.0 Meets Ix conference). What this product does is essentially combine the care guidelines and rules that Mayo has developed over the years with an individual’s data in their HealthVault account to trigger recommendations about care.

This might be a series of simple recommendations that someone of a particular age and race should get a particular diagnostic test (e.g. mammograms for women over 50). But the program can go suck up data from Microsoft Healthvault, so that includes device data that, say, a diabetic might have in that system. Which means that much more complicated guidelines and prompts can be delivered to patients based on exactly what’s known about their current status. The first ones include pediatric wellness (immunizations to you!), pregnancy and asthma, with diabetes coming soon.

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Surface–eye candy or really useful clinical tool?

Surface is relatively cheap for what appears to be a too-cool-for-school new technology. They quoted me about $12,000 for a unit. It may look like a huge immobile iPhone, but it has not only a wow factor, but now some clinical applications being built for it.

I took a look in the HIMSS booth at a couple of them, and ran into Microsoft’s leading physician spokesman Bill Crounse on the way.  Take a look, and at the least enjoy it whether or not you’ll see one in your doctors’ office any time soon.

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Health 2.0 Meets Ix, and other gossip

The Health 2.0 team is in Boston, and we’ve been prepping with our friends from Information Therapy. The Health 2.0 Meets Ix conference is coming up on Wednesday and Thursday 22nd & 23rd April. We have a really fantastic agenda, including several exciting new product launches, and a fantastic “Night Out” Reception, sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. There are a few spots left at the conference, although we’re likely to post the “sold-out” notice in the next 24 hours or so, so if you still want to come you can register here. But hurry…

In addition there are some related meetings happening around Health 2.0 Meets Ix.

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Rich Noffsinger, AnvitaHealth

AnvitaHealth, recently changed its name from SafeMed. It’s been one of the more interesting companies using its technology to personalize drug interaction and guideline data to individuals based on their clinical data. Why the name change and what’s the business strategy?

I had a quick chat with CEO RIch Noffsinger at last week’s World Health Care Congress.

NaviNet (nee NaviMedix) explains all

So now I really am playing catch up from last week at WHCC and the week before at HIMSS. At both places was (appropriately enough) a company that connects health plans and providers. Like AnvitaHealth it too has changed it’s name–from NaviMedix to Navinet.

I spoke with CEO Brad Waugh and VP of Marketing, Kendra Obrist about the name change, the company’s role in the healthcare payment system and where they are thinking about going in the future (hint: services for consumers). And in case you want to find out more (and this does sound like THCB turning into a commercial but you have to forgive me this week) Navinet will be exhibiting at Health 2.0 Meets Ix on April 22-23.

American Well bags BCBS Minnesota

American Well, who were big stars at (and sponsors of) the recent Health 2.0 Hawaii symposium have announced the second big Blues to sign on to use their service. It’s Blues of Minnesota, who Health 2.0 watchers know have their own online activity going on with Consumer Aware.

On the other hand, I’m not so sure that I’ll be keen to go the next regional Health 2.0 meeting if it’s held in winter in Minneapolis….

Cats and dogs on film–Tullman, Leavitt, Bush

Anyone who’s been following along on THCB will realize that there’s a huge divide about whether the HITECH act should pay for and dictate a specified, certified type of EMR product use OR pay for data and outcomes and not specify how providers get there. The “cats” support certification and EMR mandating (more or less). The “dogs” think that existing EMRs are often counterproductive and that a mix of other data sources, processes, and patient outreach technologies will get us where we need to in terms of improving outcomes much quicker. And now there’s an extra $20 billion in the mix, just to add some fun.

Rather than write more about that at HIMSS this week I got detailed interviews on film with leading “cats”, Glen Tullman, CEO of Allscripts, and Mark Leavitt, Chair of CCHIT. And then a response from the always highly caffinated dog-lover Jonathan Bush, CEO of AthenaHealth. And no, they don’t agree with each other…..although there is some common ground.

If you’re at all interested in how Health IT & EMRs will play out, these three are must-sees. (I’d view them in the order I took them).

MH Interview with CCHIT head Mark Leavitt. (24:51)

MH Interview with AthenaHealth CEO Jon Bush (23:29)

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