
San Francisco 2010: iWantGreatCare Demonstration

In the US, a growing number of doctor rating sites offer helpful – and unfortunately sometimes less than helpful – background information on physician performance. Healthgrades, Angie’s List, Vitals.com and a long list of start ups use a range of approaches and methodologies to provide comparative information on physicians, theoretically allowing users to make informed choices between providers, comparison shop for the best prices and avoid doctors with poor track records. In the UK, the independent iWantGreatcare.com takes a different approach, offering a stats driven glimpse into the performance of doctors working for the National Health Service (NHS). We like the site’s clean lines and ease of use, something we can’t always say about all its U.S. based competitors. In this presentation from October’s Health 2.0 Conference in San Francisco, iWantGreatCare’s Managing Director Neil Bacon talks about his firm’s approach and why nearly as many doctors as patients are using the site.

2 replies »

  1. Vapid, meaningfully useless information is on these lists. Angry patients who had to pay a bill may malign, there is not any validation of the information, and it says nothing about the clinical creativity of the doctor.
    Any one who relies on this dreck deserves what they get…lousy care. Any endorsement by folks like you should be investigated and the self aggrandizing comments by Neil should go in one ear and out the other.
    The owners make big bucks…and that is what these sites are all about.