
Best of: AthenaHealth’s Jonathan Bush on the end of software

AthenaHealth’s Jonathan Bush was patient enough to talk through two interviews with me. The first died in a software flameout–the second crashed my computer, but thankfully the recording was still there after my very fearful restart! Jonathan explains AthenaHealth’s business model, why software is "nearly dead", and why he might just send a detective to your house if you want a job with him!

The rumors are true–he’s entertaining and "provocative". And he’ll be coming (assuming his schedule clears up) to the Health2.0 conference. So take a listen to the interview

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3 replies »

  1. Hi Jonathan,
    Your good name came up in conversation at a lunch I had.
    If your the same Jonathan, perhaps we could meet in the Swampscott, Massachusetts area when you are available.
    I have main frame operations, LAN Support services, Project Management, Music, and Finance backgrounds.
    Let me know. Thanks!
    Tom Rowen

  2. This guy is a rock star – just what are industry needs. What a great interview – took a while to get going but what a great exchange. I think Bush nailed the current market dynamics. Will be interesting to see how things play out.

  3. Hopefully Jonathan Bush will be able to attend the Health 2.0 conference. While some of the Health 2.0 companies are still trying to figure out their niche, AthenaHealth is a company that is firmly involved with the “meat and potatoes” issues that really impact providers (e.g., A/R backlog, First pass on claim submission).