
HEALTH PLANS: Who said this? No, really

But if you take five people who didn’t get coverage through their employer or were self-employed and you ask them, ‘What’s the No. 1 thing that keeps you awake at night?’ I think a large percentage would say health care. What we’re trying to do is create a better environment for the consumer, the provider and the payer. To all work together.

One very scummy company is launching a PR offensive. I’m sure there are plenty of people who’ve bought HealthMarket’s quasi-fraudulent products who aren’t sleeping too well at night.

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2 replies »

  1. “Today, HealthMarkets has revenues totaling well over $2 billion.”
    ““Health care is a very complex thing, especially for those who are self-employed and have to buy it themselves,” Gedwed said. “Our goal is to focus on first making sure our customers are more savvy because they are doing the acquisition of the product line and are the ones who have to understand it.”
    “I’m sure there are plenty of people who’ve bought HealthMarket’s quasi-fraudulent products…”
    Ain’t healthcare marketing great. No wonder single pay is opposed by so many profit takers.

  2. You can learn a lot from someone’s ad copy or press release.
    “What we’re trying to do is create a better environment for the consumer, the provider and the payer.”
    Note the weasel words. “What we’re trying to do is…” The writer is distancing him or her self from the promise that he or she intends to break by using unnecessary junk words. Even a simple “We’re trying to” is more honest.
    Words like “Trying” “create” “A better environment” are all ways to worm out of an absolute. Well, we’re trying. And it’s all new, so we have to create it – it’s not here yet. And it’ll be “better,” but maybe not “Useful” or “helpful.”