I’m talking at a conference at the end of the week about consumer health records. Given that you all by now know the history of how the company I was with that sold consumer health records to health plans was ahead of its time didn’t survive, you won’t be surprised to know that I’ll be talking on a topic I’m calling An Archaeology of the Commercial PHR Movement.
Well today it looks like another start-up that announced with much fanfare a couple of years back is biting the dust, or at least going back to the machine shop for some serious work. RedMedic is sending out letters asking its subscribers to print out their records, and telling them to go to MedicAlert instead. Unfortunately when they contacted me a couple of years back, I told them that I thought they’d have a very tough road. Hopefully, they’ll come out of this somehow, but unfortunately they look like they’ll be another layer in the rubble on which hopefully a viable PHR will be built.
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well jeez…let me write it first!
Amen to the fallen. Would be nice to see your presentation posted on this blog.