
BLOGS AND BLOGGING: THCB technologically reborn

So after suffering through Blogger’s growing pains, seeing it acquired by Google and waiting patiently for it to catch up with the rest of the market in blogging software, I’ve given up.  It’s disappointing that, even with all the money of Google behind them, the Blogger gang seemed to be having increasing problems keeping their site up–there were two days last week when I couldn’t post at all.  I also use the service to record headlines for my FierceHealthcare newsletter, and several times they weren’t accessible when I came to write the letter near deadline,which was a little stressful.  Furthermore, getting even basic features like category posts up on the service continues to elude Blogger, and the work-around that I used for topic listing cost lots of time and money.

So today THCB moves over to SixApart’s Typepad service. So far I and my webmaster John have been pretty impressed by the uptime and the customer service.  And although Blogger is free and the version of Typepad I’m using is $15 a month, it was becoming a case that in the evolution of my service, free wasn’t cheap enough! Typepad isn’t perfect yet, but at least they are working on it!

We were planning to wait until next month to move, but last week’s problems at Blogger were so severe that we advanced it over this weekend (and I want to thank John for putting in hours over the holiday weekend to get this done). So this current site isn’t quite done, and you’ll see some improvements soon I hope. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

The other thing that is a first for THCB is that comments will now be on. Let’s see how that goes!

Finally if you get TCHB via RSS, please add the new RSS address to your reader: it’s http://matthewholt.typepad.com/the_health_care_blog/index.rdf If you use a different aggregator service see the box in the right hand column to select the relevant link.

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3 replies »

  1. Okay. I’m in the fixing things business again today. Our main problems now seem to be mostly resolved, other than a few minor tidying-up-the-house issues. If you’re an astute reader of this blog you’ll notice our font problem. Usually, Matthew is in courier and guests are in trebeuchet. That isn’t working, however. For some reason, the stylesheet has developed an attitude problem. Perhaps if I slap it around a bit …

  2. Hopefully that migration will go well. This looks very good indeed, although finding the new look with no warning (from the medlogs aggregator) caused me to double-take.

  3. A couple of points about THCB’s new site, which Matthew didn’t go into. The site search engine still points back to the old Matthew Holt Blog as do some of the internal links on the new site. Alas, Typepad does not automatically switch those over when content is imported, which would make life so much eaiser. We’ll be fixing those problems this week …