
Tag: Deven McGraw

THCB Gang Episode 53, Thursday May 6

Episode 53 of “The THCB Gang” was live-streamed on Thursday, May 5 at 1pm PT -4PM ET. Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) was joined by regulars: futurists Ian Morrison (@seccurve) & Jeff Goldsmith; privacy expert and now entrepreneur Deven McGraw  @HealthPrivacy; policy expert consultant/author Rosemarie Day (@Rosemarie_Day1); medical historian Mike Magee (@drmikemagee), & THCB regular writer Kim Bellard (@kimbbellard)

Matthew was celebrating Chelsea’s Champion’s League Semi final win, but the rest of the gang talked about some big picture issues behind public health, COVIUD and health care policy!

The video is below but if you’d rather listen to the podcast. it will be available on our iTunes & Spotify channels from Friday. 

THCB Gang Episode 51, Thursday April 22

Episode 51 of “The THCB Gang” was live-streamed on Thursday, Jan 21. You can see it below! Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) was joined by regulars: futurists Ian Morrison (@seccurve) & Jeff Goldsmith; privacy expert and now entrepreneur Deven McGraw @HealthPrivacy; and digital health guru Fard Johnmar (@fardj). We really dug into vaccines, vaccine passports and what they means for the future of health and society. Great conversation, benefitting a lot from having a fabulous lawyer on the show!

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved from Friday as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels. 

THCB Gang Episode 46, Thursday March 11

THCB Gang featured lawyer & privacy expert Deven McGraw, (@Healthprivacy), Health IT girl and WTF Health Host Jessica DaMassa (@jessdamassa), and policy expert consultant/author Rosemarie Day @Rosemarie_Day1). We’ve had far too many Y chromosomes on lately but also joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) for this one will be futurist Ian Morrison (@seccurve) and Fard Johnmar (@fardj), from digital health consultancy Enspektos.

We dove into the health care implications of the new $1.9 trillion stimulus bill, and had a great chat about where health and digital health go next.

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels

THCB Gang Episode 33, Thursday 11/19

Episode 33 of “The THCB Gang” was live-streamed here Thursday, November 19th. You can watch it below.

Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) was joined by some of our regulars: CEO of Day Health Strategies Rosemarie Day (@Rosemarie_Day1), data privacy expert Deven McGraw (@healthprivacy), patient safety expert Michael Millenson (@MLMillenson) and health futurist Ian Morrison (@seccurve). While the chaos of the post election legal shenanigans goes on, we chatted what the Biden team might and can do, and look at the pre- and post-vaccine COVID-19 future of health care.

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels.

THCB “SPOOKY” Gang: Episode 30 10/29

Episode 30 of “The THCB Gang” was live-streamed on Thursday, October 29th! Watch it below!

Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) was joined by some regulars and this episode was a spooky be a COSTUME PARTY! On this episode were data privacy expert Deven McGraw (@healthprivacy), writer Kim Bellard (@kimbbellard), health economist Jane Sarasohn-Kahn (@healthythinker), CTO of Carium Health Lygeia Ricciardi (@Lygeia), MD & hospital system exec Rajesh Aggarwal (@docaggarwal), policy & tech expert Vince Kuraitis (@VinceKuraitis), and me, THCB’s Editor-in-Chief (@zoykskhan). The conversation had a more spooked tone to it as many of us are worried about the safe transition of power, the safety of voters, the misinformation about herd-immunity, the rising COVID-19 cases, and everything happening in the Senate. What will the results of November 3rd bring for this country?

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels — Zoya Khanproducer

THCB Gang Episode 28 10/15

Episode 28 of “The THCB Gang” was live-streamed on Thursday, October 15th! Watch it below!

Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) was joined by some of our regulars: communications leader Jennifer Benz (@jenbenz), data privacy expert Deven McGraw (@healthprivacy), CEO of addiction recovery service Suntra Modern Recovery, Jean-Luc Neptune MD (@jeanlucneptune), CEO of Day Health Strategies Rosemarie Day (@Rosemarie_Day1), medical historian & health economist Mike Magee MD (@drmikemagee), policy & tech expert Vince Kuraitis (@VinceKuraitis). The conversation focused on the looming election, the new COVID-19 Surge, Amy Coney Barrett’s hearing, and health care costs rising in the US costs.

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels — Zoya Khan, producer

How Can Patients Get Medical Records from a Closed Medical Practice?


The HIPAA Privacy Rule gives patients the right to copies of their medical records, with rare exceptions. When patients need a copy of their medical records, most start the process by calling their doctor’s office and asking for how to get access. The receptionist or office staff point them in the right direction, whether it’s instructing them to write down their request and sending it to the office, pointing them to contact the medical records or radiology department (if the practice is large enough), or assisting them in setting up their patient portal, if the practice is using an electronic health record (EHR). Being able to connect with a person inside the four walls of medicine is often crucial for many patients and their carepartners who may be unsure of exactly how to request their records.

But what happens to those records when a doctor closes or leaves the practice?

Independent practices close for a variety of reasons. Physicians may merge with a large practice or health system, retire, they may sell or close their practice for personal reasons, they may file for bankruptcy, or they may get sick and die. The COVID19 pandemic has had devastating financial consequences on many small, independent, and rural practices, leading to their consequent closure, acquisition, or merger.

What should patients do when their doctor’s office closes, and they need a copy of their medical records? This is especially challenging when a doctor may not have had an EHR, as is the case with many independent practices as well as more rural settings. On September 26, 2020, a tweet from Cait DesRoches, Executive Director of OpenNotes, inquired about how a family member may get access to medical records from her physican’s practice that closed, triggering a robust conversation that led to the realization that patients and families are not well informed in these circumstances.

Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

It can be much more difficult to get copies of records after a practice has closed. Patients should get copies of their medical records as they are generated instead of waiting until they’re needed. HIPAA Privacy Rule guidance states that individuals can get digital copies of digital information (or even digital copies of records kept on paper, as long as the practice has a scanner). Companies are developing tools and services that enable individuals and their care partners to collect, use, and store health records. Request digital (or paper, if that is preferred) copies of blood work, imaging, discharge instructions, and corresponding reports before you leave the practice.

Continue reading…

THCB Gang Episode 25 9/17

Joining Zoya Khan (@zoyak1594) on Episode 25 of “The THCB Gang” were regulars patient advocate Grace Cordovano (@GraceCordovano), writer Kim Bellard (@kimbbellard), policy & tech expert Vince Kuraitis (@VinceKuraitis), data privacy expert Deven McGraw (@healthprivacy), and guest Rosemarie Day, Founder & CEO of Day Health Strategies (@Rosemarie_Day1). Rosemary’s book “Marching Towards Coverage” is out now. The conversation revolved around new health technology policies, Medicaid Expansion programs, the 2020 election, and the steps to get to universal health coverage. Oh, and you can take Rosemary’s quiz about what type of a health activist you are!

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels — Zoya Khan

THCB Gang Episode 22, 8/20

Episode 22 of “The THCB Gang” was live-streamed on Thursday, August 20th! Watch it below.

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) today are some of our regulars: writer Kim Bellard (@kimbbellard), patient safety expert Michael Millenson (MLMillenson), MD & hospital system exec Rajesh Aggarwal (@docaggarwal), data privacy expert Deven McGraw (@healthprivacy), and Casey Quinlan (@MightyCasey). The conversation revolved around the responsibilities of the CDC & HHS, why the data hasn’t been shared properly around COVID19 transmission, and why payers & providers are cautiously innovating health care.

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels — Zoya Khan

THCB Gang, Episode 19, July 23, 2020

This episode of the THCB Gang included regulars Grace Cordavano (@GraceCordovano) , Deven McGraw (@HealthPrivacy), Ian Morrison (@seccurve), and special guest patient entrepreneur Robin Farmanfarmaian (@Robinff3). We talked about patient experiences, the state of play in health care business, and about new technologies and more. And after tomorrow it gets preserved as a podcast on Itunes & Spotify Enjoy! – Matthew Holt

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