Did you know that the “official” industry guidelines for measuring care management outcomes are mathematically certain to overstate savings? And that about half the companies in the DM/wellness marketplace (including carriers) have invalidating mathematical mistakes right on their websites or in their brochures? And that others simply lie? And that the “gatekeepers” who are supposed to prevent these mistakes – leading benefits consulting and actuarial firms – routinely make up savings figures that are simply mathematically impossible and hope they don’t get caught?
This is the first book to treat outcomes as being math-based, not faith-based. It is aimed at the grown-up segment of the marketplace – people who really want to see how much they can save, rather than how much they can be told they can save. A dozen hilarious case studies—and we are naming names — will include:
· Major carriers who simply make up numbers and dare you to catch them
· Benefits consulting firms that specialize in “validating” mathematically impossible results
· Vendors promising savings in excess of the mathematical limit of 100%
· Carriers/vendors that are either totally clueless and/or think you are…and make up their own metrics like “reduction in undetected claims cost,” leading one to ask how they are able to detect undetected claims cost, and/or how an employee would otherwise have filed an undetected claim