
Category: Matthew Holt

Matthew Holt is the founder and publisher of The Health Care Blog and still writes regularly for the site and hosts the #THCBGang and #HealthInTwoPoint00 video shows/podcasts. He was co-founder of the Health 2.0 Conference and now also does advisory work mostly for health tech startups at his consulting firm

MedApps on TV

Kent Dicks from MedApps does a very nice job on Fox Business News. Kent explains what his company’s cell(phone)-based transmission solution does, why it’s not a privacy threat, who else is in the market, and what the upside is—cheap consistent device data from patients stored in Healthvault or other record systems.

Here’s the link

Meanwhile can anyone tell me why every business anchor these days is an incredibly hot model type?

Epocrates–reference present and EMR future

I met with Bob Quinn the CTO and Geoff Rutledge, the CMO, of Epocrates at HIMSS last week. The company has a big footprint in mobile (and web) reference content for physicians. The big news is that it’s looking to move into an EMR product. Bob and Geoff explain what they do and where they’re going.

Epocrates from Health 2.0 on Vimeo.

Glen Tullman, Allscripts

Allscirpts’ CEO Glen Tullman has had a good year. Allscripts’ stock is up four-fold, sales are going well and some people think that ARRA/HITECH’s fillup to the healthcare IT industry is mostly his doing–he was an early fundraiser for Obama. Any clouds on the horizon? You’ll have to watch the interview I did with him at HIMSS to find out.

Octopus and other Fishes

One of the most fun times at HIMSS last week was the MEDecision party at the Georgia aquarium. I took a few videos of the Fish and the humans—so something a little different for you all

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Bush & Palestrant–Live from HIMSS

After days of technical gremlins holding me back, I’m getting my HIMSS interviews up online. I’ll start with one from two of my favorites. This is Daniel Palestrant of Sermo and Jonathan Bush of athenahealth, who are starting to work together in a potentially interesting way (if you’ve been following my mantra of Health 2.0 Tools and Communities merging). And both of them are pretty riotous to interview, so enjoy!

HIMSS impressions

HIMSS is like a 4 day party with interesting conversations, meetings that I always miss (sorry RelayHealth & Ingenix—I owe ya both!), and usually a travel complication. This time I got there smoothly but missed my plane out while chatting with Mitch Work at the next door gate. I was going to be spending the night in Dallas but I got lucky and the next plane to DFW arrived early enough that I could rush to the SFO flight and make it home. Great to see my wife for the first time in two weeks!

I have about 10 longish interviews that will go up when the video gremlins give up, but here are a few impressions.

Busiest booth?: I think Cisco wins. Maybe it was HealthPresence, maybe the magician—but it was always packed. What I think it means is that mainstream Internet tools are now coming into health care (with some little tweeks). But as MrHISTalk says, putting all the big guys in the A hall was a mite unfair on the C side—although I got to both a little.Continue reading…

A little HIMSS housekeeping

Today till Weds I’ll be at HIMSS in Atlanta. You can see me at the Bloggers panel at 3pm Monday, or more importantly at the talk Jane Sarasohn-Kahn & I are giving on Health 2.0 & Participatory Medicine at 1pm on Tuesday in Georgia Ballroom 1.

I’ll also be wondering around with the trusty flipcam, so expect to see a few schedules and not so scheduled interviews up on THCB too. And you can always follow my twitter feed If you want to meet me, best bet is to DM or follow my social schedule here although with Jetlag waking me up at 4am not sure how long I’ll last tonight!

Interspersed in all of that tech stuff, THCB will roll on as usual. I’ll let you know in 3 days time if the tech sector in health care has made more progress since last year than their political cousins!

Bentley & Stanton: Two UK docs talk about Health 2.0

Last week in London I met with two of the brightest lights in the UK’s community of physicians looking at Health 2.0. Annabel Bentley is the medical director and head of informatics at Bupa, the UK-based non-profit health insurer, which owns Health Dialog amongst many other activities, and is also a sponsor of the upcoming Health 2.0 Europe conference. Emma Stanton is a psychiatrist, round-the-world yachtswoman, and has just spent two years on assignment working with Sir Liam Donaldson the Chief Medical Officer in the UK, and is on her way to a Harkness fellowship in the US working with Don Berwick & Eliot Fisher. Not bad company!

Both will be speaking at Health 2.0 Europe on April 6–7 in Paris (and you should come too, you can register here!) and both of them gave me some gems about why they think Health 2.0 is important in this brief interview—captured in the glamorous location of the Bupa canteen.

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