
Rooting and Leveraging the Innovation Economy

The use of the term ‘innovation’ is getting pretty worked up lately. In fact, almost every healthcare entity whether health plan, health system, IDN or even ‘mature ACO’ (morphed from an IPA or risk bearing PHO “chassis” or “carcass” as the case may be) seem to have anointed a ‘CIO’ as in ‘chief innovation officer’ to steward the critical transformation from volume-to-value during a yet to be determined period of conflicting if not schizophrenic incentives coupled with its legacy cultural inertia.

In fact some institutions via branded ‘Centers for Innovation or Transformation‘ have made substantial investments in people and infrastructure (“bricks, sticks and platforms”) as well as the promise of the essential ‘firewall inoculation’ and separation from the ‘mother-house’ to catalyze the required re-engineering during a likely period of cannibalization of traditional revenue streams.

So the ancient Chinese curse (paraphrased below) most likely applies here:

..we live in ‘interesting times’ with both ‘danger and opportunity’ before us.

For those tasked with this challenge and fortunate enough to participate in conferences (Health 2.0Exponential MedicineHealth DatapaloozaTEDMED to name a few of the trophy organizers) at the disruptive and transformational tip of the spear, the nature of the challenge including opportunities to meet and leverage connections of like minded and focus colleagues is a distinct strategic advantage.

Yet, why lock down these conversations, networking and learning in conferences of ‘episodic silos’ of determined change agents? Why not bring this collaborative energy on site to host institutions and leverage the power of the crowd (both internal and external) to ‘innovate smarter’? As once opined: ‘if you’re the smartest guy or gal in the room, your likely in the wrong room’.

Health2Innovate Roundtable

Earlier this year Health 2.0 in collaboration with Health Innovation Media and @eFuturist Douglas Goldstein launched the Innovate Smarter Roundtable Series’.

This gathering is an extension of two rather ‘energetic’ Roundtables hosted during the Fall Health 2.0 Conference both in 2013 and 2014.

No more ‘build it and they will come “cargo cult” thinking’

Given the interest and feedback from the Roundtable experience, for 2015 the decision was made to take the show on the road. Out first session is scheduled for April 7th, 2015 at Christus Health System in Dallas, Texas.

The target audience is health system executives including CEOs, CMOs, CIOs (both innovation and information) as well as physician leadership whether IPA, ACO, PHO or you name the entity type. Senior healthcare stakeholders whether payor, provider, regulator or advocate are encouraged to participate.

This is a FREE  though ‘invite only’ event. For more information and to request an invite click here.

Join your peers as we innovate smarter together!

Gregg A. Masters, MPH is the Founder/CEO of Health Innovation Media and is all over Twitter as @2healthguru

4 replies »

  1. Thanks for a great perspective. Innovation is the essential element to transformation and success in moving from sick-care to HEALTH. Innovation is problem solving with tools. The tools of innovation today are mobile – social media – gamification – gaming – big data, behavioral economics and many other tools. The trick is to tailor innovation to the specific needs of the person – their family and friends. To create @bluezones or @waytowellville – it starts with connecting with people in the way they want. it’s not always an app – maybe it’s a phone call from a friend or doctor or even a visit. Smart, personal nexgen Customer Relationship Management tailored for health is essential.

  2. Thanks Dr. Pankaj!

    Why not “nest’ and marry externally sourced innovation energy into real world localized needs? Seems to make sense in a world of oft replicating silos..

    We often talk ‘co-opetition’ as a model to replace competition (a too frequent driver of redundant capacity at least in a FFS world), yet few seem to demonstrate what that new model could look like. We’re taking a stab at stimulating the granular with the global perhaps assisted by ‘un-conference’ principles in a group collaborative creative process.

  3. Buzzword bingo, word salad… I can think of no greater clue that an organization has no clue how to innovate, than the existence of a Chief Innovation Officer. Ugh.