
Innovation In Care Transitions: Who’s Buying?


A few weeks ago Lisa Suennen, founding partner of Psilos Group and fledging best-seller author, wrote “Times of massive system transformation, such as we are in today, pave the way for new market entrants and disruptive technologies a la Clayton Christensen’s stories about other industries that have endured dramatic change. ”  She was talking about health insurance exchanges, but could just as well have been talking about care transitions.

Health 2.0 Advisors is the Innovation Analytics and Acceleration business unit of Health 2.0, helping companies make sense of the – often ‘noisy’ – innovation landscape. Recently, innovation in care transition improvement became an important area of demand among hospitals and many startups have been developing new technologies, tools, and solutions to improve care transitions. Next week, Health 2.0 Advisors will be publishing a report that synthesizes barriers to adoption of such innovation in hospitals, lessons learned from those who succeeded, and share information about untapped areas of opportunity.

This report is based on a project done for the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, which included interviews with (100+) CIOs, CMIOs of hospitals, as well as startups of varying sizes and degrees of success in working with hospitals.

Check out the special presentation of highlights from this report during the mHealth Summit in Washington D.C. on the 8th. The report will be available for download after that and I will write a follow up post with some additional highlights and perspectives. If you want to receive a copy of this report but cannot make it to the mHealth Summit, send an email to marco@health2con.com and we will email you the download link after the mHealth Summit presentation.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 reply »

  1. I think now a days buyer behavior for purchasing medical supplies and all other stuff needs to be modified. I have come up with the concept of Medical E-mall https://www.clinito.com/ to sort all kind of needs .. from buying behavior to shopping list concept according to each hospital specialty and number of beds..Building AI in backend which automatically suggest ur requiremnt according to your specialty.. I think its a good concept. check it out.