
Health 2.0 Heads to San Diego: Early Bird Pricing Ends TODAY

The New Year is here and Health 2.0 is celebrating by announcing some new updates for the Spring Fling Conference in San Diego, March 21-22, 2011 and the Fifth Annual Fall Conference is San Francisco, September 26-27, 2011. We also want to remind you that the last day to purchase the EARLY BIRD tickets for BOTH the San Diego Conference and the COMBINED tickets for both Spring and Fall is TODAY.

We are happy to be returning to San Diego with an awesome line-up of speakers including; Best-selling author, Dr. Dean Ornish, President of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute giving our keynote address and J.D. Kleinke, author of the new novel “Catching Babies”. We also have Three Great Themes where Health 2.0 technologies and services are making a big difference:

  • Making Health Care Cheaper – The cost of care goes up every year, and the specter of “unsustainability” looms large. Speakers who are addressing how Health 2.0 tools are being used to reduce the cost of care include Rushika Fernandopulle, President of Iora Health, which is running revolutionary primary care clinics for large employers, and Don Casey, CEO of West Wireless Health Institute which is building tools that use technology to lower costs. There will be commentary from Stephen Downs, the Assistant Vice President of the Health Group of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Margaret Laws from the California Health Care Foundation.
  • The Evolution Of Research – The Web has changed how health data is collected, how people learn, how research is being done, how patients are recruited for trials, and how discoveries are made. Some of the leaders in this change will tell us how they’re doing it. Hear from George Lundberg, Editor in Chief of Cancer Commons, Susan Love, President of Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, Paul Wallace, Medical Director for Health and Productivity Management Programs, Kaiser Permanente, and Gilles Frydman,Founder, ACOR
  • Prevention, Wellness, Exercise & Food; We’ll take a closer look at how Health 2.0 tools can become part of the fabric for better micro-and macro-decisions about food and healthy behaviors, with a special focus on how we can make a real contribution to ending childhood obesity. As well as Dean Ornish, you’ll hear from Alan Greene, Founder of DrGreene.com and leader of the “Whiteout” movement, and Preston Maring, Founder of Kaiser Permanente Farmers’ Markets.

To find out more, check out the San Diego agenda at Health2con.com.

Health 2.0 is also excited to continue a Fall tradition. The Fifth Annual Fall Health 2.0 Conference will be in San Francisco on September 26-27. In 2011 more than 1,000 people from the worlds of technology, health plans, providers, government, finance and more will gather to see the most comprehensive line-up of technology innovation in health care, and discuss the latest changes. It’s one of the most highly rated conferences around and you want to be there.

To see the full press release please CLICK HERE

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  1. And for those interested in mHealth:
    3rd mHealth Networking Conference
    March 30-31, 2011 Chicago IL
    Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel and Conference Center
    The 3rd mHealth Networking Conference will focus on new clinicians’ tools, pharma opportunities, and mHealth developments, exploring such topics as:
    -The adoption rate of new medical apps on mDevices – successes and failures
    -How payers are addressing mHealth opportunities
    -Movement toward prescribing apps
    -Integrating mHealth applications – best practices
    -mHealth strategies for hospitals, clinics, or doctor’s offices
    -Patients role in moving providers toward mHealth communications
    -International implementations
    And more…
    Advance registration through Frebruary 28, 2011.
    Hotel reservations: The conference will take place at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel & Conference Center, which offers free shuttle transportation to and from the airport. We’ve negotiated the very reasonable hotel rate of $145/single or double room for attendees.
    Call for presentations deadline: 10 January 2011. Interested users, implementers, and planners (including consultants) are encouraged to submit by completing our online template. Note that this call for presentations is for non-commercial presentations only.
    Vendor opportunities, contact Beth Schrager at 978-263-9931 or bschrager@comcast.net.
    For more information visit http://www.mobih.org