
Health 2.0 Europe, a fabulous end to Day 1

(posted early Weds 7th April, Paris time!)

We had quite the fabulous time at Health 2.0 Europe Day 1. Other than my personal fouling up of the final presentation about Health 2.0 in Haiti, things went very smoothly. (We will record and repeat that segment for a wider audience, as it’s a remarkable story and Roni Zeiger told it very well despite the technical difficulties).

I think that the panel on patient communities was the best ever at any Health 2.0 Conference, and Susannah Fox told me it was the best she’s ever been on—and she’s been on a lot!

Then we had a fabulous night out at a fabulous location, Les Invalides. And there’s much much more to come today! Follow #health2eu on Twitter.


(Photo from supergelule.fr)

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