Just a quick note that the vote on the Health care reform bill is at 6pm EST tonight. It looks like the Stupak 6 (the anti-abortion Dems) have been persuaded that a Yes vote will be OK because Obama will issue an executive order later confirming the Hyde amendment which already bans Federal funding for abortions. So a small stupid policy stays in place so we can have a big social program pass.
But it’s certainly not confirmed that 216 is in the bag. I’m off skiing, so watch Jon Cohn on The Treatment and @jcohntnr on Twitter as I assume he’ paying attention!
Categories: Matthew Holt
Hey, great website however there is a issue whereby on occassion I get sent back to the base page whenever I look at other topics within this blog.
Time to work at government speed. Make less. Reduce payroll. Cut benefits. Pay less tax. Smell the coffee from the enlightened left. What was I thinking? Why did I ever oppose getting paid for every patient instead of only half of them? Now I will be able to retire.
It is done.
Ken: It is not worth trying to have a rational discussion with nitwit extreme rightists such as john3 or F. or Mr. Jones who have chimed in above. The nonsense, hate-filled verbiage and general idiocy from them and their fellows are sickening to read.
I continue to hope for the best on passage of the bill in the House later this evening. We’ll see shortly.
Your argument is premised on a very wishful thinking that the market can fix the ills of the health care market. When there is widespread market failure, governmental regulation is a very good solution, and health care is a very good example where the market fails.
If you are so against the concept of the government playing a role in health care and strong believer of the “market”, are you opposed to Medicare, Medicaid and other forms of federal subsidies into basic research as well? Those can be categorized as government intrusion from your perspective.
Whether you want it or not, even without the bill being passed tonight, the government will be spending even more and more in various forms of subsidies without reining in on medical costs through a reform.
I also need to mention that you are very naive to believe that the US will ever adopt the single payer system. Although a single payer health care is more efficient from a purely economic perspective – otherwise, why would almost every other developed country adopt it? – it is out of the question for the US, where there are too many vested interests already. The genie is out the bottle on that one.
I also forgot to mention that you are very naive to believe that the US will ever adopt the single payer system. Although a single payer health care is more efficient from a purely economic perspective – otherwise, why would almost every other developed country adopt it? – it is out of the question for the US, where there are too many vested interests already. The genie is out the bottle on that one.
Here is where the eggheads (er economists) stand on the reform bill:
“The WSJ Real Time Economics blog has posted the letters for and against the health care reform bill winding through Congress. The most interesting thing about the lists of signatories is the geographical divide. It was so interesting, I did a fast tabulation (so, don’t quote me on it), and what one finds is that of the list in favor, only 2 of 41 economists are affiliated with institutions in the South (defined using the most restrictive definition in this Wikipedia page — so to be completely accurate, I haven’t used the actual Mason-Dixon line). Of the 131 signatories to the against letter, 40 are affiliated with institutions in the South, i.e., essentially 30% of the total.”
Your argument is premised on a very wishful thinking that the market can fix the ills of the health care market. When there is widespread market failure, governmental regulation is a very good solution, and health care is a very good example where the market fails.
If you are so against the concept of the government playing a role in health care and strong believer of the “market”, are you opposed to Medicare, Medicaid and other forms of federal subsidies into basic research as well? Those can be categorized as government intrusion from your perspective.
Whether you want it or not, even without the bill being passed tonight, the government will be spending even more and more in various forms of subsidies without reining in on medical costs through a reform.
The only ones who will win with the healthcare bill would be the Democratic Party (although this is questionable)…actually, I change my mind, nobody wins with this health care bill. To those who think that this is the rich trying to force their voice on the people; think again: who is going to control YOUR insurance if this passes: it is the government–regardless of which party is there. Government will dictate who gets paid and what gets paid. What is wrong with this health care bill is that it puts GOVERNMENT control (not health care) first. We should have health care reform WITHOUT government control and we can, with less money but the Democrats won’t let us even discuss it. So this whole garbage about putting families first so that they do not lose their house when they get sick—–this can also be fixed WITHOUT government. Do not get brainwashed by those who say that we have to do this comprehensive change now or the health insurance companies with eat us all up—that is not true. We can put pressure on these companies–just like any other company–by opening up competition but again, NOT with the government. The government will just bully these companies–or worse buy them (GM, fannie mae, etc) with your own money (and yes, even the poor pays taxes as in sales tax) and presto, we have a single payer health care system–that is why Mr. Kucinich now votes Yes because he knows that will eventually happen. And because we have to scrimp–we just don’t have 2 trillion dollars (don’t believe their numbers–even a 2nd grader can see that we will not able to save any money with the way they will spend it)–we will have to CONTROL costs which means, less coverage, less visits and yes, government appointed panels to say which “medical care” is “cost-effective.” You want to call them death panels? That’s what they are because when you see your doctor, one thing that you need to know (but do not ask explicitly) is “am I going to live.” Soon you will have discussions with your doctor like, yeah, you do have this condition and there are many ways of treating it but your insurance will only pay for this, so I am sorry, you’ll have to contact them to plead for another medication. Forget about second opinions–you are lucky to see A doctor in the first place. You think I am kidding–just watch. It will happen first to seniors because they are ransacking medicare. My only hope (if the bill passes) is that they do this before the November elections–but I guess they are definitely more cunning than me—they will hide all of this from you until you have voted for Obama again in 2012. I wonder if there is a list of countries out there with NO single healthcare payer system?
This is win for the American People. Why else would Insurance Companies spend one million dollars a day to try to take down the legislation. It is so sad that after 8 years of being fooled by the GOP, many of you are now falling back into their trap. I will give them one thing, they are better at politics that the Dem’s. The Dem’s have spent the last year trying to and succeeding to pass legislation for the middle class and not just for the richest of the rich. They have done exactly what we sent them there to do, but now you believe the people that created a 8 trillion dollar deficit, lied us into war and took away our civil rights with the patriot act. Not to mention the money thay Cheney and Bush made off of the Iraq War in defense and construction contracts. Shame on all of you who forgot why we sent the GOP packing less than 18 months ago.
If these people vote yes on this, I pray that their jobs will be automatically down the tubes. If they refuse to listen to the ones that put them in office and fall in behind the “elite ones”, they deserve what they get. VOTE NOOOOO
Yes, a vote for more deficits, waste and incompetence. The USA as mediocre as Europe, which is cutting spending. Spending more, instead of fixing first. Yet one more D.C. farce.
Sick, inane and laughable.
I think you’re right. I hope 99% of Americans win today. Such a shame the money of the 1% gives them a louder voice… funny old things democracies.
I’m one of those nuts who feel and believe that this should have been done a long, long time ago. We are the richest nation in the world and yet our people go without health and dental care. WE should all hang our heads in shame to our responsibility to all humans… or poor….white, brown or black…..male or female…..young or old. WAke up! This is America! To stand tall and take care of her citizens FIRST. Not just the have-nots.
I pray those Harvard Law money-grabbers get more done in the way of social programs….that should also have been done a long time ago.
Quit being greedy.
.. and 228 days until the Nov. 2 election.
For the re-vote/repeal.
And 962 days .. until two bumbling, arrogant Harvard Law money-grabbers get their orders to go home to Chicago.
The agent of the Sovereign people of these United States of America have hijacked our country; and now assumed our position as sovereign and we the people as their income producing agent.
It this bill passes it will not bode well for America! These people are so aggogant and bilnded by their power they have forgotten and lost touch with the real world.
We will not allow our backs to be broken by these arrogant self-serving power mongers!
It they were as wise as they say and think they are, they would listen to the majority of the Sovereign people of this nation, this land.
The best predictor of the future, is the past.