For those of you just getting up on Friday, here’s a little taste of the atmosphere we’re drinking in for the upcoming Health 2.0 Europe conference. And yes, we have been working hard here too!
Health 2.0 Team in Paris from Health 2.0 on Vimeo.
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I puzzled about something
Here are some thoughts to share from America as you dine on small portions and delightful wine! enjoy the conference!
Are you there for business or pleasure? 😉
Surely coming to Paris to hang out with me and the team would be the greatest use of Wellpoint’s premium dollar. You wouldn’t want them to waste it on patient care, surely 🙂
I hope there are no Anthem/WellPoint executives wasting/stealing my obscene premium dollars attending this boondoggle. Unless, of course, they finally see the light in the city of lights, take a vow of poverty, and I get free health care for the rest of my life.