Back in 1995-96, I ran a site out of
my dorm room called Mac-o-mania. It was a collection of interesting
products and tidbits for the Macintosh community. I initially gathered
content myself but as the site's popularity grew I became highly dependent
on people to send me comments, tips and links to keep the site going.
I am a huge believer in the unique ability
of people to take their experiences (failures as well as successes)
and place them, along with other content, onto shelves in their brain.
Innovation is the combination of all those pieces of content in a social
environment shared and combined with other like-minded individuals.
Last June I went to Scott Heiferman’s
Tech meetup and shortly thereafter created the New York Healthcare Technology
Organization using platform (thanks Scott!!! – its worth
every penny).
Today NYHTO is the official NYC chapter
of Health 2.0 with over 130 patient advocates and growing. On April
2nd, we had out first official meeting that was graciously hosted by
PRNewswire out of their MultiView office on Hudson Street.
Many dynamic individuals showed up that
are passionate about healthcare!. Representatives from Phreesia,,, are just an example.
First half hour was supposed to be a
networking session but this group dove right into some passionate conversations:
(1) Twitter, twitter, twitter – I feel
like i hear that word at every water cooler (HBO please come out with
another hit show)
(2) 23andme – I broke out my newly received
kit. Some interesting conversations around it as I presented putting
my genome out there in the public (my wife is not too happy)
(3) We spent a lot of time around privacy.
Do you want your work to know about your chronic disease, what about
your friends, would you twitter your vital signs, do you trust Google
Health or Microsoft Vault with your data? wow – it was a fun one!
(4) Health 2.0 Startups got their turn
with just a few minutes to say what they do and how they do it :)
(5) All around introductions!!!
(6) Doctor Reviews – Zagat/Wellpoint
discussion. Doctor Reviews in the cloud – combined 30+ rating sites
sharing same data bank. I introduced the concept at the HealthCampPhila
on March 28th. Seemed like there was warm reception once again tonight.
Obviously we can not do this in a vacuum so looking for folks to engage
with us.
(7) Hospitals and Twitter as well as
a good discussion around Sherman Health #sherman
Somewhere in the middle I was able to
actually stop the flow of conversations to give a bit of an introduction!!!!
Take a look at a quick snapshot of it
(~2min) on YouTube
For a twitter recap search for #h2nyc
If you are in NY feel free to join us
next time
Categories: Uncategorized
Would you mind spreading the word about an upcoming talk?
Here’s the info:
“National Health Insurance — Has Its Time Come?” A lecture by Dr. Oliver Fein, president of Physicians for a National Health Program. Tuesday, April 28th, 1:30-3:30 at the CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave. Room C201-202. For more information call 212-817-7028.
Dr. Fein recently participated in President Obama’s White House Summit on Health Care and is an EXCELLENT speaker.
This was my first experience with a MeetUp group, and it was a great meeting with lots of lively and stimulating discussion. I am looking forward to the next sessions in which we can articulate and pursue tangible output, either in the form of position papers, initiatives, sub-committees, etc. It is exciting to see the burgeoning spread of activity around healthcare consumerism in the virtual space across the nation and the world. Goodbye, Dr. Wellby, Hello Dr. Spock.