2 replies »

  1. blah–thanks. We know that it is a request, and not that easy a request, to change the topic and inject this into an every day meeting. We just think it’s important enough to ask people to do that.
    And there are already lots of good things being done within provider organizations (although not enough yet) to address the topic, we’re aiming at the other half of the problem–that people with their loved ones have NO easy way to talk about this….so that when they get to the hospital they’re ready to talk to the clinical team with decisions having been made already AND recorded.
    Thanks for the feedback on the website. That and any suggestions for improving the “experience” are gratefully appreciated…

  2. I saw Matt present this at the Partners Connected Health conference a couple weeks ago. Seems like a great idea. I think someone should make business cards with this slide as the back. I went to the website, and I think the front page is a little too busy. Too much text, I think you can make it even easier.
    Also, to be honest, while I think it’s a great idea, I can’t imagine actually putting it into one of my presentations. I work in healthcare, but the meetings are all so rushed as it stands and this wouldn’t really fit into the topic areas generally speaking. I guess if you’re a person with a lot of sway in an organization or amongst a group of people this would be pretty reasonable though – any perhaps more effective coming from someone like that.
    Also, I wonder if having the slide show up at a meeting will actually get people to not just ask the questions of themselves and their loved ones, but to actually document it so that this sort of directive can be enacted when the time comes (if a loved one is not around). Of course just having the conversation is a success in and of itself. Perhaps this can change American attitudes about death and dying.
    I am curious what needs to be done on the provider side to make documenting this sort of desire easier.