Could walking at a tortoise pace all day long in the office keep you thin or help you lose weight?
Many people seem to think so and have built themselves treadmill desks — basically a treadmill with a raised platform for their computer and phone. Moving at less than 1 mile per hour all day long helps them burn between 250 and 350 calories a day. Don’t believe me? See this New York Times article. (Illustration by Eric Lister, from Gelf)
A couple of years ago, when I wrote a story about people using treadmill desks for the online magazine Gelf, the phenomenon was just beginning to surface on personal blogs. It’s clearly taken off. (David, the Gelf editor who assigned me the story, now has is own treadmill desk.)
There’s actually a lot of science behind the idea of work-walking, which comes mostly from the Mayo Clinic. Dr. James Levine and his team published research in Science back in 2005 showing that thin people tend to fidget and move around more often than overweight people, thus burning more calories. They call it NEAT— Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis.
Two years ago, Levine, an endocrinologist, told me that he wanted this idea to go beyond a few individuals. He wanted corporations to embrace the idea, or at least promote practices that get employees moving more.
We’re a fat nation, and our evolutionary biology combined with our current environments practically guarantee we remain so unless we adopt some creative interventions. This definitely is a step in that direction.
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I think your post makes sense and I thank you for posting it here and sharing the information. I think working while walking is an effective way to loosen the fat in our body. One can buy cheap treadmills and convert it into a treadmill work desk. You not only get your work done but you can also be fit in return. I see many fat people who are complaining about how they cannot breathe or sleep well but they still keep on eating all those fast food and junk food and even get angry if you forbid them, this is certainly for them lazy people.
Living in a very fast-paced world, we should utilize every time that we have. If we can do different things at the same time, then it is better. A treadmill desk will actually allow you to do your work and have a minimal workout at the same time. You can walk and work simultaneously. You can buy cheap treadmills and have it assembled as a treadmill desk to fit in with your desires. You’re sure that you will lose calories as you do your work, quite odd for me but it really practical and effective.
with treadmill you can actually burn calories up to 15%-20% according to others.
The machine provides a moving platform with a wide conveyor belt and an electric motor or a flywheel. The belt moves to the rear allowing a person to walk or run an equal, and necessarily opposite, velocity. The rate at which the belt moves is the rate of walking or running. Thus, the speed of running may be controlled and measured.
Do you think so randall, if you walk all day through your treadmill it didn’t energize you, it can tire you down and feel exhausted.
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Treadmill desks are gaining popularity for one reason. They work! No real magic here, if you walk all day you are going to feel energized and you are going to lose weight. If you want an affordable feature rich treadmill desk I suggest you look at the TrekDesk at They even have incorporated an exercise ball chair into their design.
Treadmill desks are gaining popularity for one reason. They work! No real magic here, if you walk all day you are going to feel energized and you are going to lose weight. If you want an affordable feature rich treadmill desk I suggest you look at the TrekDesk at They even have incorporated an exercise ball chair into their design.
Treadmill desks are gaining popularity for one reason. They work! No real magic here, if you walk all day you are going to feel energized and you are going to lose weight. If you want an affordable feature rich treadmill desk I suggest you look at the TrekDesk at They even have incorporated an exercise ball chair into their design.
Treadmill desks are gaining popularity for one reason. They work! No real magic here, if you walk all day you are going to feel energized and you are going to lose weight. If you want an affordable feature rich treadmill desk I suggest you look at the TrekDesk at They even have incorporated an exercise ball chair into their design.
Treadmill desks are gaining popularity for one reason. They work! No real magic here, if you walk all day you are going to feel energized and you are going to lose weight. If you want an affordable feature rich treadmill desk I suggest you look at the TrekDesk at They even have incorporated an exercise ball chair into their design.
Treadmill desks are gaining popularity for one reason. They work! No real magic here, if you walk all day you are going to feel energized and you are going to lose weight. If you want an affordable feature rich treadmill desk I suggest you look at the TrekDesk at They even have incorporated an exercise ball chair into their design.
That kinds of activities are not suitable for health.
nice work, well done, great views on subject. thank.
I know this world has to many great things to eat and then you sit at a desk.
Please join our community of treadmill desk users at
-Brad (from the NYT article)