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ELECTION 2008: Stateline.org has a useful Web tool to compare synopsis of McCain and Obama’s stance
on issues ranging from health care to abortion to the environment. Despite the fact both candidates barely mentioned health care reform at their respective party’s conventions, Stateline says health care remains a top issue.

More election coverage: The New York Times on Sunday examined what Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin’s really may do for children with disabilities in office given her record, and on Monday the Times zeroed in on her motherhood, including the fact that she was "leaking amniotic fluid" while giving a speech in Texas to support building a natural gas pipeline through Alaska.

WSJ Health blog reports on Sen. Chuck Grassley’s persistent pressure on nonprofit hospitals, demanding to know why they deserve their tax breaks.

The FDA has published online medications currently under investigation for possible safety concerns, the Associated Press reported. The list includes 20 medications and their possible side-effects or warning signs. Examples of drugs on the list are Heparin for possible "Anaphylactic-type reactions" and Seroquel for "overdose due to sample pack labeling confusion."

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1 reply »

  1. Thanks for sharing the stateline.org tool. I appreciated the succinct summaries of the candidates’ stances. I also wanted to make your readers aware that the organization Research!America has a voter education tool specific to health care and medical research. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, the initiative, called Your Candidates- Your Health, is a 19-part questionnaire on health issues; the McCain and Obama teams have both responded in detail. It will be important over the coming weeks to push these discussions into the limelight, so that more voters can inform themselves about the issues that really matter.