
Paul Wallace–Get the patients brain in the game

Paul Wallace, Kaiser@Wired 002

Paul Wallace, who is both Senior Medical Director at Kaiser Permanente and Chair of the Center for Information Therapy, has some sensible things to say about the transition from Health 0.0 to 1.0 and then includes some of the lessons of Health 2.0. He also wanted us to think about the links to the big building behind him in this picture.

Kaiser now has the EMR up everywhere — that’s 1.0 in his terms—information flow. The workflow change is a big deal and we have to think about it. Paul used to wait a few days before dictating notes. No more. That information is needed immediately, and his colleagues let him know about it!

Wallace on the deal with HealthVault—we now have the opportunity to “understand the operational implications of such an endeavor”. Ho, Ho. What does portability really mean? He can see his medical record in Berlin. How does that change care?

The Advisory Board’s David Bradley had earlier told a story earlier of tapping into early wisdom of the crowd to discover that he had shingles.  An instructive story of 2.0–-sharing health information and discovering more than is known by the system.

What about engaging the employer. You spend 2000 hours at work each year and probably 1/100th of that with a doctor. Where can we have a bigger impact?

The 2.0 issue is to get the patients brain in the game….

He likes Susannah Fox’s phrase—"let’s design for what could be."

4 replies »

  1. Paul was talking about the fact that the operational changes that would be required after putting in HealthVault will be unexpected. The ones from putting in the EMR at Kaiser made him change his work style in a way that he didnt totally appreciate…even though it was the right thing to do and he wouldnt go back.

  2. Matt,
    I don’t understand what you were getting at here:
    Wallace on the deal with HealthVault—we now have the opportunity about “understanding the operational implications of such an endeavor”. Ho, Ho.

  3. “Design for what could be” was a phrase I read in Diana Forsythe’s book, “Studying Those Who Study Us.”
    If you don’t have time to read the whole book, grab the chapter entitled “Old Wine in New Bottles” about the mistakes designers made in creating a kiosk to answer questions about migraine. They never asked the patients what they wanted to know – they only interviewed one doctor about what he thought patients should know. They missed the key question asked by all newly diagnosed migraine patients: Is this going to kill me?