
Interview with Joseph Kvedar, Partners Center for Connected Health

Joseph Kvedar is the director of Center for Connected Health, which is part of the Partners HealthCare System’s empire in Boston (that’s Mass General and the Brigham for you old-schoolers). Joe emceed the conference I spoke at yesterday, and I stopped in for a quick chat with him this morning to get an update on the Center’s progress.

If you need an introduction to the Center, its web site is here, a piece Joe  wrote for THCB last year is here and the transcript of a longer interview I did with Joe is here.

Today we had time for a quick catch-up, in which he touches on the state of the EMR initiative at Partners, the wider role of Connected Health within Partners, and the state of their current pilots. Here’s the interview (The first minute is a little quiet. My apologies.)

You can also see the details about the Center’s symposium (27-28 October). There, you can find out more about Connected Health than you can imagine, and you’ll probably see a little flavor of Health 2.0 there, too. We hope to bring a little flavor of the community aspect of Connected Health to the Health 2.0 Conference (October 22-23). Yes, we know they’re close together … but speaking as someone who’s been to both, I recommend both highly!

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2 replies »

  1. I appreciate the question re: our EMR. We were happy to undergo ONCHIT certification this last year. the record is built on a systems oriented architecture, so is actually quite interoperable. sorry for any confusion on that

  2. I couldn’t listen to the interview, but it’s my understanding that Partners’ EMR is not interoperable – having the effect of binding their patients to their hospitals only. How is this advancing the state of “Health 2.0”? People do move away to other parts of the country, you know.