
INTERNATIONAL: Those damn froggies beat us again

Here’s one international comparison I’d missed when it originally. The US has fallen to last place amongst 24 developed nations in an index of preventable death–one presumably cooked up by a Marxist cell masquerading behind a front organization called the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and funded by that cabal of Trotskyites known as the Commonwealth Fund. We’ve fallen four places since last time and are now even behind the Brits & the Irish—who I’ve always thought encouraged preventable death.

What’s happened is that every other nation showed significantly better measures relatively quickly (over a 5 year period to the early 2000s) and the US didn’t improve much at all.Who came top? Yes, those darn French again.

And their President is shagging a super-model. It makes me long for the days of JFK and Marilyn Monroe.

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1 reply »

  1. ‘We’ve fallen four places since last time and are now even behind the Brits & the Irish—who I’ve always thought encouraged preventable death’. I like your comment there!