I’m at the Partners Connected Health conference. Yesterday’s entry got killed by an overheating crash—but having blown the dust out of my heatsink, hopefully my Gateway is OK now.
Later today 5 cool Health2.0 companies are going to be showing their goodies on a panel I’m running. (WeGo Health, Enhanced Medical Decisions, DNADirect, PatientsLikeMe, and Praxeon)
I also heard an earlier panel talk from a next generation RelayHealth/online visit type company called American Well (not an oil company) which looks pretty interesting — real time video conf with docs “on call”, apparently some health plan will run it out next year)
Right now I’m at a panel on PHRs. We’re starting to talk about data privacy and trust. Funnily enough open source advocate Fred Trotter has today taken a broad swipe at Microsoft in an article called HealthVault: No Commitments and a Sleeping Watchdog in which he says that there’s no actual audit function and that privacy advocate Deborah Peel has been snowed.
So I asked….James Mault from Microsoft essentially said that they’ve done the best they can so far with a multitude of interested parties and that this is a continual work in process. He did say “ability or third party audits are built into the system” and that “at the end o the day the consumer will tell us what they want”. He didn’t mention the open source issue, and no, I’m sure Microsoft wont show him the code!
Categories: Uncategorized
More on HealthVault and privacy at HealthBlawg —
HealthVault: The end of the world as we know it?