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  1. “I know more about my Raisin Bran than about the guy who delivered my children or the hospital in which he practiced. That’s because there’s no consumer market yet in health care, and these information organizations exist only in consumer market.” — Regina Herzlinger
    Yes, there’s a need for physician ratings, and there are resources on the Internet that already provide that. But we need more than the nutrition label on the side of the cereal box. We need a real connection with the doctors who provide our care, because selecting a doctor is both an intellectual and an emotional choice. That’s where an enhanced profile rather than a simple directory listing can make a difference. Today we have thousands of enhanced physician profiles nationwide, and in time, Xoova aims to be the most popular, trafficked site for doctors to communicate directly to patients. Today they can do this by updating their own profiles, offering forms for download, and adding online appointment scheduling…for free. Soon we’ll incorporate the consumer voice in moderated testimonials, along with physician to physician referrals. Hopefully, this will take us a step further to the world Herzlinger envisions in which we know as much about the person who, say, performs our mastectomy as we know about the restaurant that prepares our dinner.