
PODCAST: Lonny Reisman of Active Health Management

Lonny Reisman is a physician who came up with what he believes is a way to improve medical care and patient outcomes by tracking data and feeding it back to practitioners in close to real time. Aetna liked the idea so much they bought the company, Active Health Management, for $400m big ones last year. More importantly, it might be one way that population care management can become real in the continuing absence of the EMR.

Here’s the podcast.
It’s really interesting stuff and rather better sound quality than some of the recent ones–there’ll be a transcript up soon.

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2 replies »

  1. “Until each peron controls their own information, they cannot begin to be empowered to make intelligent decisions on how, where or how much to pay for certain medical care.”
    …and held entirely to blame for any illness they may have, and thus denied care.
    Just like credit reports. Someone reports something incorrectly? Tough. Fix it yourself, and don’t expect help from us. Meanwhile. Denied.
    I beg the industry to anticipate this. Please.

  2. I am a physician, parent of young children and a child of aging parents, always concerned with all generations whose life I affect. I have committed myself to writing about how to Keep Seniors Healthy and have focused on ideas , concerns and issues with the way medicine is practiced today. As patients, we need more control, but as physicians, we need more assistance. Along these lines, I write in my blog, on how patients can take control of their health, become empowered health care consumers, understand the trends of medicine and utilize the information at their disposal. I have created a FREE service on my web site , called http://www.KeepSeniorsHealthy.com whereby individuals can utilize this service to create, control and access their medical information and history. As a FREE service , it is simply better medicine and it makes sense , as that information is critical to reducing medical errors that result from not having it, and also , that information is the empowerment the consumer needs in the process of taking control of his or health care. Until each peron controls their own information, they cannot begin to be empowered to make intelligent decisions on how, where or how much to pay for certain medical care.