In the home stretch now. Don Kemper, the guru of this information therapy, self-care stuff is up now. His goal is that every medical encounter ends with an information prescription, which would then drive better compliance and better health outcomes — and by the way save a whole lot of money.
Don wants to pay for IX by finding all the big disease categories and incorporate IX into disease management. He things that we need more members for this "billion dollar club".
And to move this along, the Center for Information Therapy is going to become a new, independent center with no direct connection to HealthWise.
And it’s a new dawn for Information Therapy….at least he thinks and we ought to hope.
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Just stumbled upon your blog by way of another and read this bit about an information prescription. I am not sure what that is going to be, but let me discuss this with you ~ there has been a lot of focus about the legibility of a prescriptions, but nothing about compliance in terms of how a physician documents on orders for tests. According to AHS Coding Clinic guidelines an outpatient physician order shall not have a rule-out, possible, probable, or suspected diagnosis on the order. Physicians and their staff STILL use these terms which is dangerous! For instance, a physician writes on an outpatient order “R/O HIV” for a patient who takes the order to a lab for blood work. The lab registers the patient and assigns the ICD-9 code 042. The bill is sent to the insurance company. The data collected goes to a medical data bank which can in turn provide life insurance companies healthcare information for the patient who then possibly has their life insurance denied because someone wrote “R/O HIV” on a script and then someone who was ignorant of the Coding Guidelines codes/bills the patient as having the diagnosis which has not been formerly diagnosed by the ordering physician just yet because the physician has not recieved the blood test results YET.
There needs to be more physician education about how to document on physician orders for this reason. They also need to know what constitutes a fraudulent order such as not using white-out.
In your presentations have you found this to be a source of interest among physicians?