
Tag: Disrupting Africa Encyclopedia

Health Tech in Africa | Nnamdi Oranye, Disrupting Africa Encyclopedia


Nnamdi Oranye literally wrote the encyclopedia on African startups and tech solutions that will be disrupting the future of health. Titled “The Disrupting Africa Encyclopedia” the work catalogs African entrepreneurs and innovators as well as provides details on the investment ecosystem and strategic infrastructure being put in place to expand their growth. Where does Africa excel in terms of digital health technology? Nnamdi says mobile healthcare apps, like those that can help detect cataracts and malaria or provide remote care are leading the way on the mobile-forward continent. Watch now for more key discoveries from his research into Africa’s tech scene.

Filmed in the HISA Studio at HIC 2019 in Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.

Jessica DaMassa is the host of the WTF Health show & stars in Health in 2 Point 00 with Matthew HoltGet a glimpse of the future of healthcare by meeting the people who are going to change it. Find more WTF Health interviews here or check out

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