So it’s a new world in blogging about health care, and when I want to write about Digital Health or primary care, I’ve been told that this system at Lex.Page can do it for me
So here goes and lets see what it says about Digital Health or primary care
Digital Health is one of the most rapidly growing and important sectors in health care today. It is a broad term that encompasses the use of technology to improve health and health care.
OK so it wrote that. Which isn’t bad but not too helpful
Perhaps I can ask it whether it thinks that digital health will have a big impact on the future of primary care
The system at Lex writes that it does think digital health will have a big impact on the future of primary care.
So now it’s just spitting back at me what I asked it. Not too sure how to get it to write more for me
I then asked it to follow this sentence — The biggest challenges for primary care are
-Access to care
-Cost of care
-Quality of care
So it seems that digital health can help with all of those things. By providing tools that help patients better self-manage their health, digital health can help to improve access to care. By providing tools that help to lower the cost of care, digital health can help to make care more affordable. And by providing tools that help to improve the quality of care, digital health can help to make
That is pretty damn good given it’s a machine just guessing what I want it to write, even if it didn’t finish that last sentence. I can imagine that pretty soon I’ll be able to spit one of my talks into it and it will be able to write an article out of it quickly. I’ll be playing around with Lex and I can give some invites — if you want one, let me know.