Like I told you, there’ll be a lot more on THCB about what’s going to be happening at Health 2.0 coming up Sept 25-8. Today’s edition–MarketConnect a new program for getting new products into provider organizations, modeled on something we’ve been doing as part of our pilot programs in Health 2.0’s Catalyst group–Matthew Holt
Through vigorous vetting of health technology companies and matching based on prospective buyers’ needs, Health 2.0 is simplifying and expediting the health tech buying and selling process during the 10th Annual Fall Conference on September 25-28 in Santa Clara. Health 2.0’s MarketConnect is an invitation only forum for buyers and sellers to be pre-matched for market compatibility and facilitate technology acquisition. Executives from organizations such as Kaiser Permanente, Cedars-Sinai and UPMC will be looking to connect with technology companies.
The networking program is designed to break down the barriers of technology adoption within large health systems and health organizations to connect tech companies directly with pre-qualified executives that are interested in seeing vetted technologies that are relevant to problems that are trying to solve.
How it works: Health 2.0 works with closely with buyers to identify specific areas where technology is needed and a solution is required within 12 months. Health 2.0 then assess the digital health marketplace and identifies relevant companies aligned with buyer’s’ technology needs and connect buyers with hand-picked companies during our MarketConnect event at Health 2.0’s Annual Fall Conference. During the event, buyers will meet with compatible companies with the intent of purchasing suitable technologies. If you want to know more contact
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I think now a days buyer behavior for purchasing medical supplies and all other stuff needs to be modified. I have come up with the concept of Medical E-mall to sort all kind of needs .. from buying behavior to shopping list concept according to each hospital specialty and number of beds..Building AI in backend which automatically suggest ur requiremnt according to your specialty.. I think its a good concept. check it out.