
Will the ONC provide a huge stimulus to Health 2.0 startups?

The federal government is on the cusp of leveling the playing field for healthtech startups. Health 2.0 events have shown an unprecedented wave of innovative healthtech startups have developed over the last few years. You can also see them at  demo day events that Blueprint Health, Healthbox, Rock Health and StartUp Health host. However, the health sector may be the single most challenging arena for startups.

I would argue nothing would result in population health improvement (while decreasing healthcare costs) more than having greater engagement by patients in the healthcare process. The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) could catalyze an unprecedented wave of innovation with a stroke of a pen by strong inclusion of patient engagement requirements in the Meaningful Use requirements.

Having high expectations for Patient Engagement will cause healthcare providers to rise to the occasion to solve this critical issue. It’s well documented that three-quarters of healthcare spend is on chronic disease and decisions that drive outcomes are made by individuals (aka “patients”). It’s long been said the most important member of the care team is the patient. Now is the time to transform that from a catchphrase to reality. The ONC can do that.

The biggest potential stimulus ever for healthtech startups

We have seen how Stage 1 Meaningful Use requirements (PDF) have spurred providers into action. By and large, that has meant an infusion of customers to EHR vendors. Legacy healthIT has had very, very little focus on the patient because financial incentives motivated the development of systems designed to get as big a bill out as fast as possible — i.e., there has been no incentive to involve the patient.

Not surprisingly, the providers these vendors serve are concerned about the ability to meet the patient engagement requirements (good summary by Adrian Gropper here of Stage 2 Meaningful Use) as their vendors don’t have that skillset. In reality, it’s an entirely different proposition to get bills out than to develop software that actively engages a patient.

Fortunately, there are scores of Health 2.0 startups who are well positioned to address the patient engagement requirement. Look no further than the companies in startup incubators/accelerators or the scores of companies demonstrating at Health 2.0 conferences. These software developers from Silicon Valley, Seattle, Boston, New York and elsewhere have the skillset to address this critical requirement. They will assist healthcare providers directly or via their vendor partners.

Unfortunately, with little awareness of innovative healthtech startups, providers and legacy vendors are pushing back against the requirements proposed by the ONC. There is a major risk that the proposed requirements will be watered down based upon this feedback. What could be the biggest ever jumpstart to the healthtech startup community could become a missed opportunity. More importantly, the opportunity to make a huge difference in the health of our population would be missed.

How can you change this?

petition to support the increase of patient engagement requirements has been posted.  There is a citizen movement exemplified by the Society for Participatory Medicine (S4PM) to expand patient engagement.  One of the most visible leaders of the S4PM movement is Dave deBronkart (aka “e-Patient Dave”). We met during TEDMED and he echoed the importance of strengthening the patient engagement related requirements in Stage 2 Meaningful Use. The startup community has also been encouraged to support this petition.

I just returned from attending 2012 TEDMED. During the event, they had a “Great Challenges“ contest. Not surprisingly, “The Role of the Patient” was one of the leading vote getters. This despite the fact that it didn’t begin to hint at the role patients can play if they’re equipped with information.  And that’s a major reason why patient and family engagement are proposed in Stage 2 Meaningful Use.  As support built for the challenge, it’s critical that your voice is heard on the proposed Stage 2 Meaningful Use requirements. Voting for the petition is great to raise visibility, but the highest impact thing you can do is to comment on the government site. Or you can email comments to submission@omb.eop.gov. One’s comment could be as simple as “I support the strengthening of patient engagement requirements of the proposed Stage 2 Meaningful Use requirements” or as involved as a point by point analysis of the proposal.

I met Lygeia Ricciardi from the ONC at TEDMED. Lygeia emphasized how critical it was that every person who has an opinion takes the time to comment on the portion of the proposed Stage 2 Meaningful Use. The comment period for the proposed Stage 2 Meaningful Use closes May 7, 2012. If you believe that it’s important to increase patient engagement and you want to support innovation, there is no better use of your time than to take a moment to have your voice heard. Take 5 minutes and do it now. If you want to reshape healthcare for the better, there is nothing more impactful than to support strong patient engagement requirements. There has never been a better time to jumpstart innovation to improve the health of our world.

This guest post was written by Dave Chase, the CEO of Avado.com, a patient portal & relationship management company. Previously he was a management consultant for Accenture’s healthcare practice and founder of Microsoft’s Health platform business. You can follow him on Twitter @chasedave.

5 replies »

  1. I have seen no documentation of decisons being made by “aka patients.” Again, including today, I read of regrets from patients whose doctors made decisions without even telling the patient or patient’s parent that a decision was about to be made. This is not about blogging. This is about–dare I say– human rights.

    My own doctor, who listens and considers, is my greatest blessing.
    Margaret fleming

  2. Glad you liked my article so much 🙂 Where did I say anything about social media which seems to be the basis for your critique.

    For the record, THCB pays me the same amount you ascribed value to my drivel.

    You can read another piece that highlight the happiest MDs I know who are also driving the best outcomes and bang for the buck that I have seen. See “Medicaid-driven Budget Crisis Needs a Marcus Welby/Steve Jobs Solution” which is developed and implemented by MDs. Guess what? They value patient engagement and the results speak for themselves.

  3. Chase! Get real! How any docs do you know can sit around on social media socializing with their patients? How do you know what is going to push health care forward? Is it by social media that sick people are seen and diagnosed with cancer? What patient group do you represent that have thevtime to blogg all day? Most honest people work sometimes two jobs to make ends meet and I’m sure when exhausted will set down to their computer and blogg to their doctor who works 16 hour days and feels fresh as a daisy? That will truly be meaningfull use! Who pays your salary to think this drivel. Probably Washington officials who think up terms like “meaningfull use”. Those like you who don’t have a clue of the real world of real life. And the bloggers who are probably unemployed getting free “life”from the government!

  4. It would be great if the ONC directed its “stimulus” also to physician chosen initiatives since we seem to be invisible to policy makers.

    Have a contest, what technology would physicians add to the top “10 Must Have” list?.