
The Triumph of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

According to a new poll, half of all Americans say they are “confused” about healthcare reform. And boy howdy, are they right!

Take a look at this new Kaiser Family Fund poll: http://www.kff.org/kaiserpolls/upload/8156-C.pdf

Scan down to Slide 9: Almost a quarter of all Americans think that ObamaCare has been already been repealed. More than a quarter aren’t sure. Barely half are paying attention enough to realize that it’s still law.

What about the idea that the reform law is wildly unpopular, and most people want it repealed? Slide 4 shows that 39% want it repealed, and 50% want it kept or expanded. But take a look at slides 7 and 8. The only major provision of the law that a majority of Americans want repealed is the individual mandate—the part that says you have to buy healthcare insurance or be fined. Even those who want the law repealed agree, except that a majority also think it’s unfair to make the wealthy pay a heftier Medicare tax.

Think about that: Even those who will tell pollsters that they want the law repealed say that, well, yes, they think it’s a good idea to give tax credits to small business to help them give health insurance to their employees. And to close the Medicare “doughnut hole.” And to subsidize low and moderate income Americans to buy health insurance. Or to provide voluntary long-term care insurance (the CLASS Act). And to tell insurance companies that they have to take all comers (“guaranteed issue”).

So 39% want health care reform repealed, but 30% want it expanded. And a majority across the spectrum want insurance companies to be forced to sign up all comers, but they don’t want to be forced to sign up if they don’t feel like it.

What are we to make of this?

1. What most Americans think about healthcare reform is somehow not exactly what you would hear on Fox News or on the red side of the House of Representatives.
2. Most Americans aren’t exactly paying attention anyway.
3. If Americans have a strong suit, it’s not arithmetic.

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5 replies »

  1. “Barely half are paying attention enough to realize that it’s still law.”

    Actually its only law in 24 States, or 31 if your Obama. In the 26 States party to the FL lawsuit it was struck down and does not apply.

    “not exactly what you would hear on Fox News or on the red side of the House of Representatives.”

    Joe do you think NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and Yahoo have done a good job explaining reform to the public? And the Blue side of the house, you think they even have a clue whats in it let alone understand the bill and its ramifications?

  2. Nothing new here. Americans want what they want but don’t want to pay for it, or at least want someone else to pay for it. They want their problems solved with no pain and no commitment. They want everything but don’t want to give up anything.