
San Francisco 2010: Regina Holliday Presents her Painting

On the last day of the Health 2.0 Fall Conference in San Francisco, October 7-8, 2010, Regina Holliday presented the painting that she worked on for the full two days of the conference. She titled her painting Bridging the Great Divide, in reference to how we communicate, bridge communities, and combine left and right brain thinking.

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  1. Dave, e-patient
    Re:”I have a vague impression that the system in use at that hospital was not very good. That’s certainly no indictment of the call (by Regina, me and others) for good, competent, modern health IT.”
    In order to reach your goal, there needs to be methodological evaluation of all of these devices for safety and efficacy. To my knowledge, and others have posted on this here, there has not been any review of safety, efficacy, and usability of these devices.
    Communication between health care professionals and hcp to patients paradoxically has been stifled, delayed, and disrupted by these devices.
    Regina’s late spouse and she suffered because of the failed communication which is part and parcel of EHR care.
    Patients’ advocates need to be watching 24/7 when and EHR and CPOE is running the care of their loved ones. That is just the way it is and will be until there is accountability for the deaths and injuries caused by the use of these device systems.
    People like you, e-patient, have sprung up to “watch” your e-records because of the undisclosed defects of the devices and that the care of the patients with these systems can not be trusted.

  2. If patients do not trust the EMR, and they should not (as e-patient Dave reported about the Harvard hospital’s report to his EMR), they should find a smart doctor who communicates with patient and family, EMR or not. Most doctors do not trust the EMR and waste time with work arounds. The smart ones, have avoided the gold rush for silicon wafers, and will match their skills and strategies with the best clickers. Regina, your husband needed another doctor and should have stayed away from time draining EMRs. He is an example as to why outcomes have not improved in highly wired hospitals, reported in multiple studies.

  3. “The fault lay with the doctors and nurses who were not actually reading the record.”
    No, Regina, the fault lay not with the user, but with the user unfriendly devices laden with pages of jabberwock and time consuming idiosynchrasies that disrupt the standard of care and the thought processes of the doctors. Regina, you have fallen for the HIT industry promoted mantra, “user error”. I have used these devices and they promote errors and oversights that kill patients.
    Your husband is a fatality of the EMR devices used to mediate his care. Report it to the FDA.

  4. Dear Regina and Bianca:
    You TOTALLY got my message wrong: I have never been about closing data off. Check out our website: http://www.patientprivacyrights.org.
    I work to put PATIENTS back in control of who can see and use their sensitive personal health information for the purposes THEY choose. Today, there is tremendous use of OUR health information. It is stolen and used without our consent for all sorts of purposes we would never agree to and to directly harm us.
    Every prescription in the nation has been sold daily for over 10 years; many technology companies, labs, hospitals, and insurers sell OUR data as a business model. This is fraudulent, because their shareholders and the public are NOT being told about this practice.
    Today, the main use of the nation’s health data has NOTHING to do with helping patients, it is sold and used to benefit corporations. And those who need the data most—doctors and patients–can’t get it. The current system was never built to help sick people, it was built for the benefit of corporations. It’s time to built systems that actually benefit patients.
    PLEASE see our white paper on consent—-there is no need for Americans to be forced to choose between benefiting from health IT and keeping sensitive information private. Patients need to demand that health IT systems and data exchanges use consent and segmentation technologies to ensure that our data is used to help us, not to deny us jobs, credit, and future opportunities.
    Please sign up for the “Do Not Disclose” list—tell Congress to built health IT that put US in charge of who can see and use our personal health information.

  5. Dr. Gelmann if you would like to compliment my vision and insight in one sentence please do not use the next sentence to belittle me or apprise me of my “lack” of understanding of EMR technology.
    I really could not disagree more with you, both in relation to this post and in relation to your comments on A Prescription for Doctors also on the THCB.
    The hospital that my husband was imprisoned in did many things very, very wrong. But the one useful item from that horrible place was their very easy to read and understand EMR. The fault lay with the doctors and nurses who were not actually reading the record. The saddest aspect of our story was our inability to access information that by law was supposed to be accessible to my husband. Once we had access to that info I used it extensively to prolong my husband’s life.
    You seem to think that patients and caregivers are incapable of understanding and contributing to their electronic medical record. We might not have a medical degree, indeed we may not have a college degree or even high school degree, but we are far from stupid. We can learn and if given the opportunity via medical records access and internet research we can HELP create better patient outcomes.

  6. Steve, I can’t tell what you’re talking about. (Honest discussion please.) What do you mean when you say EMRs caused flawed communication and wasted his doctors’ time? Are you familiar with the case?
    I have a vague impression that the system in use at that hospital was not very good. That’s certainly no indictment of the call (by Regina, me and others) for good, competent, modern health IT.
    Please do let me know specifically what you mean – I’m honestly interested.

  7. The EMR is not the bridge, but rather a cowpath fillied with cowdung, and CPOE is dynamite blowing up the bridge. I just wanted to let you know.

  8. A beautiful inspired painting, Regina. You should know that the flawed communication caused by the EMRs mediating your late husband’s care wasted much time of his doctors such that they had no time to communicate with you or other doctors.
    You described in your presentation at the unveiling gig at HHS of the meaningfully useless “meaningful use” rule a potent unintennded consequence of EMRs, CPOEs and CDSs. Your late husband was a casualty of the new approach to medical care controlled by EMRs and CPOEs, which in turn are controlled by “big bro”.
    Sorry to break the news to you.

  9. Thank you for Posting this Bianca! It was a so good to work with you at health 2.0. I am so glad I had the opportunity to paint and speak. Thank you.