
San Francisco 2010: First Life Research at Health 2.0

In the coming days and weeks we’re going to start rolling out a lot of video from last week’s Health 2.0 Conference held in San Francisco, CA on October 7-8, 2010. There is a ton of material to show you. But we’re going to start with one of the more remarkable demos at the conference. This is Gideon Mantel, Co-Founder and Chairman of First Life Research showing his company’s search capabilities which are able to comb millions of user-generated posts and comments to spot emergent trends in health experiences. His two examples are early detection of side effects in pharmaceuticals, but when you understand what they are doing, you’ll be amazed not only at the technology but also at the potential for converting messy narrative into actionable information.

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1 reply »

  1. I am currently a extern pharmacy student at Bayer and was assigned to First Life Research as my topic presentation to the Pharmacovigilence team. Do you happen to know who the point of contact is for First Life Research?
    Thank you. Please email me at taekim86@gmail.com if possible.