We are calling all coders, designers and healthcare innovators to come to the Health 2.0 Developer Challenge Code-a-thon at Google on October 2, 2010. The Code-a-thon is an all day event where attendees can connect, collaborate, and build solutions in real-time.
This isn't any average code-a-thon. The people who come to this event will have a chance to experience ground breaking firsts and unprecedented opportunities.
- The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index will allow access to its health survey data. These datasets represent aggregate survey data that are non-identifiable to the respondents and provide useful measures of consumer views over time. Developers, designers and experts can build applications that integrate these measures with other elements of consumer health to gain better insight into health policy implications, new products and services, and many other applications. Members of the Developer Challenge can download the Gallup-Healthways data for free
- First DataBank will provide its drug databases free-of-charge to anyone developing applications that require content to support medication-related decisions and help improve patient safety and health care outcomes. Members of the Developer Challenge will be able to request First DataBank datasets for free.
- Winning Teams will be eligible for fun prizes and a select number will advance to a special Developer's stage at Health 2.0 to get a chance to present to leaders of HHS and the venture capital community.
Registration is FREE – register today! All you need to bring is your laptop and your creativity – we’ll provide the fuel, space and PRIZES!
Categories: Uncategorized
Health 2.0 always features the most comprehensive line-up of technology innovators, as well as leaders in health care, government and finance, and unveils the best new health care technology startups at Launch .It quite interesting to see this competition .Just loved it.