
PatientsLikeMe buys ReliefInSite

Some news in the world of Health 2.0 today where the worlds of patient communities and tracking tools come ever closer. (Those of you following my Health 2.0 “bubbles” chart know that “social networks” and “tools” are integrating. You can see more in the free exec sum of our report The Past & Future of Health 2.0)

PatientsLikeMe, which already does more tracking than most online communities with members recording their drugs, their symptoms, and much more, acquired ReliefInSite.

We’ve featured both PatientsLikeMe and ReliefInSite at Health 2.0 meetings (PatientsLikeMe several times). PatientsLikeMe has several condition forums (starting with ALS and Parkinsons, but moving onto depression) in which patients have pain as a frequent condition. So this is a logical match (and both share Esther Dyson as an investor which probably didn’t hurt). I hope to have more from the principals later on THCB.

The best way of understanding what ReliefInSite does is in a video that Health 2.0 (yes, that’s us) made independently. And no, they didn’t pay us and this is not a commercial!

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2 replies »

  1. After ten years, PatientsLikeMe has over 400,000 patients in its database. Connecting patients with one another and sharing of health data between people is really a great idea to create better treatment options.

  2. Thank you for your posting.
    Reliefinsite looks so easy to use. I will certainly check it out. It could be a useful tool in clinical research as well.
    RSD seems similar to when Fibromyalgia was introduced. It seemed like it could be so many other things…and finally when those conditions were swept to the side then Fibro would be considered.