
Two big deals in Health 2.0

John Halamka writes about the small but important meeting this week at Harvard Medical School hosted by Zak Kohane and Ken Mandl. Because of the impending arrival of about 1,000 of my best friends next week at Health 2.0, I couldn’t go to that meeting. But it may be very important in putting the “cats and dogs” together to think about ways for new platforms with players like Halamka and David Kibbe (who have not been on the same side of these issues) both taking part.

Meanwhile, yesterday Microsoft released My Health Info. I got a quick preview and it’s essentially a layer over HealthVault that allows both Microsoft and others to build widgets that can be arranged on sites like MSN Health (and presumably many more to come) which directly connect with the individual’s data in HealthVault. It essentially is the cool user interface that HealthVault has been missing and it’s more evidence of Microsoft’s serious intentions in consumer health care.

If you’re at Health 2.0 next week you’ll see Microsoft’s My Health Info and hear much, much more about what David Kibbe is calling Clinical Groupware, and also many demonstrations about we’re starting to call “unplatforms”.

While health reform is arguing about multiple amendments in Baucus’ committee and making some of us despair, the tech world is showing some real promise.

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