It’s just possible that you weren’t glued to the France24 cable channel (yes there is a French 24 hour news & chat channel broadcast in English). Well yesterday they had a “debate” about healthcare hosted by the very smooth Francois Picard.
Jean-Jacques Zambrowski, a professor at Paris Descartes University got to talk about Bismarkcian and Beveridge-type systems (and why Michael Moore was wrong to call French & UK care as being the same). I was sitting in a dark studio in front of a DVD showing the Golden Gate Bridge. On the phone was Tevi Troy from the Hudson Institute (yes those right wingers) who basically spent most of his time agreeing with me—which I found pretty worrying!
Incidentally for a TV novice, I could barely hear the conversation, and couldn’t see anything, which meant that I never knew when I was on camera or not—so hopefully they don’t catch me picking my nose or something on screen! Here’s the “debate” and here’s part 2.
Categories: Matthew Holt
Is it just me, or does Matthew look very French in this screenshot?
eric Novack – if everyone was on Medicare, Mayo would go out of business… they lost $760 million on Medicare patients in 2008…
You are absolutely right
if everyone was on Medicare, Mayo would go out of business… they lost $760 million on Medicare patients in 2008…