Filed under possible sleepers we're-keeping-an-eye on:
Alex Gibney, the Academy-award winning film maker behind the widely acclaimed "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" will show segments of his newest film, a feature length take on Maggie Mahar's "Money-Driven Medicine" at the Families USA Conference in Washington D.C. this week. Directed by Andrew Fredericks. Screening open to the public. Wed. 8PM. Renaissance Mayflower Hotel. 1127 Connecticut Avenue. NW. IMDB entry here.
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Is excellent writing with intelligent analyses and clarity of presentation of the real problems and possibilities enough to defeat the power, money and greed of the private ins. cos., their lobbyists, and those threatening our Congresspeople with political retribution if they support the Bill for Health Care Reform??? I hope it is. But I fear the emotional and psychic bloodshed that we are in for, and our President is in for, as he works so hard to get this passed for the American people.
I believe this is as important as Child Labor Laws were. And the battle to make big businees behave ethically will be just as bloody.
I weep that Sen. Kennedy cannot be present. His help is so needed. And he wanted this so much.
Thank-you again, Ms. Mahar.
Judith Easton
Chicago, Illinois
Thanks for your (THCB) coverage. Congratulations to Maggie Mahar and gratitude to Alex Gibney for directing and/or producing(?)the movie
We certainly need to use as many different media modalities to get important health and health care reform messages heard.
Maggie’s book contains many of these important messages which I am sure the movie with portray professionally.
Let’s get behind helping her and Gibney in promoting it!
Thanks Again,
Dr. Rick Lippin