According to ConnextionsHealth, growing losses of individual and group plan members are eroding acquisition costs, profitability and competitive advantage at all major health plans, making member retention a strategic priority for 2009. At some health insurers, member turnover is running as high as 40%. Further, McKinsey & Co. found that health plans capture less than 10% of members lost through job termination, early retirement and elimination of employer-funded coverage. This “employee transition” market segment alone is estimated at $40 billion annually. To address this emerging market need, ConnextionsHealth and World Health Care Congress are hosting a first-of-its-kind Leadership Summit on Member Retention for Health Plans scheduled for March 18-19, 2009 in Orlando, FL. Designed for health plan senior executives, the Summit will provide an insider’s look into the underlying issues and successful strategies for retaining individual and small group plan members and building brand loyalty. More information is available at
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