
Health 2.0 Conference is hiring

As the conference grows up and does more, Matthew & Indu are looking to get some help!

We are looking for a Conference Project and Production Manager and also a Registration, Customer Service & Sales Manager. These are great opportunities to dive into a small team that’s trying to make a big difference in health care — and have fun and an interesting time while we doing it. These are full time roles based in the Health 2.0 offices in San Francisco and/or Los Angeles.

If you’re interested or know some bright sparks who might be interested, please click or forward the links above!


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4 replies »

  1. Hello
    sounds intresting. I have a passion for this space and would like to learn more
    are the postions still open?

  2. Mathew,
    I have over 17 years of business experience in the automotive industry. I just now at the age of 42 got my B.A. in Corporate Communications. The focus on my degree was on the digital marketing and Web2.0 community. My wife has spent over 20 years in the health care industry at the executive level. We have often talked about the similarities in healthcare and the auto industry as far as trying to repair something that is broken, but even more so in the management of the 2 industries. The auto industry was forced to place a huge focus on customer service about 20 years ago and the health care industry I believe is about to make that transition as well as catching up with other industries as far as using technology.
    I would love to hear more about these positions and I am curious to know if you would consider filling any of these for someone wanting to telecommute.
    My contact information is below. I look forward to hearing from you.
    Scott Milhous

  3. As a RN and NP student, there is nothing of private health insurance I support or want to have anything to do with.
    Please remove me from your email distribution list.