Five companies that are leaders in making consumer data, including personal health records, available.
Web MD: Just did a deal with Wal-Mart, making WebMD
personal health records and tools available to employees. Proof that
health technology adoption is moving “from the salaried workers to the
hourly workers.”
Comment: Includes a PHR for members to use.
HealthVault, Microsoft: Now has developed 90-plus
partners making products for the platform. Seeking to make it easier
for doctors and patients to share information. HealthVault launch is
part of a “long journey” in integrating information for consumers and
with healthcare system. Have created an “industry” around making these
connections happen. New partnership with Kaiser, integrating its own
PHR service with the HV platform. Process to copy Kaiser health record
to HealthVault is multi-step and multi-click box/policy agreement
process–not a smooth demo. Multiple sign-outs and sign-ins.
Comments: The demo failed–yikes. The conference gives him a “do-over”. . .and that fails too. Dude: Smooth it or lose it.
Aetna: Launch of personal health record across
their patient population. Data from
docs, labs, patients. integrated.
Made it portable, allowing access to PHR via print or online. Aetna
members can use HealthVault, with mutual back-and-forth of data between
Comments: Do patients trust their insurance company with
the full details of their health? Another log-in issue! Crowd applauds
when he’s able to actually get into the personal health record. Like
many such service, “health coaching” is available.
Google: Last 12 months encouraging and humbling.
Encourage: Google Health has launched–portable, controllable patient
information. Learning has begun, but Google iterates to improve.
Humbling: “This is incredibly hard.” They want it to be easy, and they
want it to be useful. We’re good with easy. Useful: Still working.
Comments: Has launched program with pharmacy chains, to integrate med use data with personal health records. Data go from pharmacy directly to Google Health in real time. This demo fails too…and exposes a really UGLY, DOS-era pharmacist data input tool.
Yahoo Health: “How much demand there is for health
content. Two new partnerships: Waterfront Media [operator of Everyday
Health, a big, successful health content company which has gobbled up
the scraps of Revolution Health*] will distribute health content; and
HealthGrades, provider of physician data information. [Conflict of interest: I am a former employee of Revolution Health.]
Comments: HealthGrades will provide some basic individual
doctor information [with an opportunity to dig into deeper content,
some of it paid content] and mashup it up with Yahoo Groups, ratings
and recommendations, plus Yahoo Answers. Unlike other groups on the
stage, Yahoo is not offering a PHR–it’s all about the consumer-centric
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Sadly too late to “smooth it” — not a great moment for HealthVault at the demo yesterday … but I did put up on my blog a quick post that shows what would have happened on stage, and provides the sample documents so folks who are inclined can try it themselves in real life. Hope it’s helpful!
A new entrant to watch: Similar concept to what Yahoo Health proposes. Will be interesting to see who does it better.
Even though I work in the health insurance sales industry (, I can never shed the fear that “big Brother’ is watching my every move…
That is a very interesting topic. But how about the fact that Gartner analysts predict that, by 2009, healthcare investments in IT will increase by more than 50 percent, which could enable clinicians to reduce the level of preventable deaths by 50 percent by 2013. Of course, nowadays most healthcare organizations have already invested in IT outsourcing, for anything from Telco and Wireless, to Application Data Development (i.e. LIMS, SOA), or even Business Process Management.
We’ve put together a detailed white paper on these subjects: . What is your experience with IT outsourcing in healthcare? Are these figures close to your personal experience or do you think there are certain issues we’ve missed covering? I strongly appreciate your professional opinions.