Good Magazine has this interesting graphical representation of the problems facing health care in the U.S. Considering how complex health care is, I think it’s a great attempt to put lots of information visually on one page to provoke conversation. The visual aspect is key because few people have the patience or desire to read long diatribes.
Another really cool thing Good is doing is hosting a Get Out the Vote bumper sticker contest. Reader submissions are really great. Here are two of my favorites:
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Thanks for posting the link. It’s hard to explain to others what the battle over gov’t. health care or insurance costs is really all about, and this chart helps.
Years ago, presidential candidate H.Ross Perot demonstrated the value of using charts and graphs, and got my vote for his efforts. Charts rule!
I’m going to re-do this awesome chart in a printable format…maybe two pages…and show/distribute the same information, along with Medicare financial data from .gov showing that the program’s broke.
I’m an activist, and I live for charts like this! Try for many awesome charts and valuable, printable analysis of federal legislation.
Thanks again, gonna drop by Good Mag and thank them.
This awesome, thank you. It really helps us understand the health care challenges in the USA in a simple, easy to understand format!
try downloading the image from the site and changing the size to a tabloid size — 17″ by 11″. then you can flip the page formatting and print horizontally. that might get you a better image.
I agree with the above comment. I was looking for something like this, although this is close, it is still a ways off. I’m also having trouble formating it. Looks great on screen though.
Is there a way to format this so it prints on one page, landscaped? Right now, it’s a lot of dragging in my browser, and the impact is really lost. It looks potentially cool…but then it doesn’t.