I’m here at the Medicine 2.0 Congress, a very international meeting put on by Dr. Gunther Eysenbach of the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, a project of the University Health Network and the University of Toronto.
The meeting is in a place called the MaRS Centre, in the heart of what’s being called the Discovery District. It’s at the corner of College and University, right around the corner from several major hospitals, including Toronto General, Princess Margaret Hospital and Mount Sinai Hospital The conference even has its own blog so I shall try to come up with something original.
Eysenbach opened the proceedings Thursday morning with a discussion about what health 2.0 and medicine 2.0 really mean. I’ll just link to an article that appeared in Eysenbach’s Journal of Medical Internet Research earlier this year.
Don’t believe the hype? Peter Murray, the International Medical Informatics Association‘s VP for strategic planning, just put up a slide of this graphic:
Moving along, Eysenbach suggested that Google Health and HealthVault are not personal health records but "personal health applications" or platforms. That should make the marketing folks in Mountain View and Redmond very happy, since they keep denying that they offer PHRs.
Speaking of which, even though PHRs haven’t exactly captured the public’s imagination, Eysenbach said we are moving into the realm of PHR 2.0, where people should be able to disclose information within their own PHR to others to form communities around commonalities. A prime example, he said, is Patients Like Me.
Anyway, there are 180 participants from 19 countries here, with a slant toward the academic side of medical informatics. In fact, there are proceedings of this conference that are freely available. There are some 67 poster presentations for me to peruse at some point.
Categories: Uncategorized
One of the advances in field of web 2.0 is wwwa.askmedicaldoctor.com
You can not only search their extensive database of questions, but also get personal answers for your questions by certified doctors.
Thanks for posting that…
I had the opportunitty to be there and it was really interesing and great congress. Lots of projects startups and also some good business for us.
Was nice to be there!