THCB is proud to welcome our latest sponsor: Humana and This site would not be possible without the generous backing of corporate sponsors like Humana. So we’d like to thank them – as well as all of our other wonderful sponsors – for their very kind support.
When you have a moment pop over to Change Now 4 Health and have a look at the very clever innovation contest they’ve organized. You can send in your brilliant ideas in one of the following four areas: (1). Helping Consumers Make Smarter Health Care Decisions, (2) Simplifying the Business of Health Care, (3.) Preventing Sickness and Maintaining Health, (4.) General Innovations in Health Care.
You’ll also be able to read other people’s entries and comment on them. User-Generated Content at its finest! Top finalists will be eligible for three $10,000 prizes and possible additional support from the Humana Innovation Center. The official contest lingo:
Do you want to improve the U.S. health care system? Or at least be part of the much-needed dialogue? If you have ideas or solutions to improve the system, submit your ideas through ChangeNow4Health Innovation xChange and you can win up to $10,000 or have your ideas published in the e-book,
Tomorrow’s Health Care.The Innovation xChange is looking for practical ideas and suggestions for improving the health care system. All participants in the system, from providers and health plans to consumers and government, are encouraged to join in the discussion.
All entries submitted on ChangeNow4Health will be open to comments and voting by the coalition’s communities. The top 20 entries will be published in ChangeNow4Health’s e-book, Tomorrow’s Health Care, and up to three finalists will be awarded $10,000 each.
In addition, Humana Inc., a founding member of the coalition, will consider the top
award-winners for a joint venture with the company’s Innovation Center, to incubate the winning idea and bring it to reality. Winners will be announced by August 31, 2008.For more info:
Categories: Uncategorized
How about starting with the innovative ideas collected from healthcare organizations across the country already compiled on AHRQ’s Health Care Innovations Exchange: ?
The Health Care Innovations Exchange is an AHRQ program designed to support health care professionals in sharing and adopting innovations that improve the delivery of care to patients.