
HEALTH 2.0/CONSUMERS: Susannah Fox on e-Patients and Health 2.0

Two fantastic video clips from a fantastic researcher. (Susannah runs the health research program at the Pew Internet and American Life program.

Susannah’s (brief) keynote including the seven word meme that dominated the day!

Her interview afterwards:

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  1. At the risk of becoming overexposed, I posted the text of my Health 2.0 remarks at e-patients.net (permalink: http://www.e-patients.net/archives/2008/03/recruit_doctors.html). Also, the Pew Internet Project is an open-source research organization, publishing all our reports & data sets for free and inviting suggestions for further study (http://www.pewinternet.org/). I think I collected about a hundred new ideas on Tuesday, but the database isn’t full yet!